现代,她翻手为云,覆手为雨,她的话就是圣旨,她的命令就是全世界的规矩。一次特殊任务使她意外的来到了异大陆,却发现这个身体的本尊是个废材,然,金麟岂是池中物,一遇风云便化龙。异世大陆,神秘的母亲家族,奇异的苏家血脉,这个世界等着她一步步的攀登。有友情、亲情、爱情环绕在身边的她,这条强者之路,并不孤单,且看她如何在异世大陆成为至尊。My Name is Red
In the late 1590s, the Sultan secretly commissions a great book: a celebration of his life and his empire, to be illuminated by the best artists of the day - in the European manner. At a time of violent fundamentalism, however, this is a dangerous proposition. Even the illustrious circle of artists are not allowed to know for whom they are working. But when one of the miniaturists is murdered, their Master has to seek outside help. Did the dead painter fall victim to professional rivalry, romantic jealousy or religious terror?With the Sultan demanding an answer within three days, perhaps the clue lies somewhere in the half-finished pictures … Orhan Pamuk is one of the world's leading contemporary novelists and in My Name is Red, he fashioned an unforgettable tale of suspense, and an artful meditation on love and deception.都市 漫游 成长:E.L.多克托罗小说中的“小小都市漫游者”研究(英文版)