初见时值冬月,瑞雪初霁。安静窒人的小巷里,两道溜长微弯的粉壁立在青灰的石板路旁。雪粒细白清薄,铺就在墙角,隐隐见着少许凌乱的雀爪印于其上,看不太分明。洛葭月将后背抵住白墙,单手挟持一名青年男子,目光微冷:“贫道今日刚刚踏上会稽县,陶知县是凭着什么,一口咬定贫道便是制造多起绑架案的嫌犯?”站在她身前不远处的是一名二十出头的男子,身穿簇新的藏青圆领夹袍、淡绿素罗合领单衫。眉清目朗,年轻斯文。Paper Men
With an introduction by Andrew Martin Fame, success, fortune, a drink problem slipping over the edge into alcoholism, a dead marriage, the incurable itches of middle-aged lust. For Wilfred Barclay, novelist, the final unbearable irritation is Professor Rick L. Tucker, implacable in his determination to become The Barclay Man. Locked in a lethal relationship they stumble across Europe, shedding wives, self-respect and illusions. The climax of their odyssey, when it comes, is as inevitable as it is unexpected. "e;Rich as a compost heap...It moves you and at times it can shake you"e;. (Melvyn Bragg). "e;A complex literary comedy from an extraordinarily powerful writer, which holds us right through to the end"e;. (Malcolm Bradbury).