本书绕着某军区文工团舞蹈队里一位令人瞩目的女演员杜娟的情感命运展开。她在收到了两封求爱信,同时面对两个男人,三个人,两份爱情,一段曲折的别离情在深秋里种下了它的种子,再现了绿色军营里的悲欢离合,质朴感人。本书已拍摄成同名电视剧,由孙俪等主演。那一年秋天,文艺兵杜鹃同时收到了两封求爱信,一封来自风流倜傥的公子哥儿白扬,另一封来自少年沉稳的文化部干事林斌。同时面对两个男人,美丽的杜鹃犹如站在了自己人生的十字路口上,每一条路都诱人,每一条路也都莫测。现实没有给入犹豫的机会,杜鹃选择了两条路同时走。然而人是不能同时走两条路的,错误的开始将导致怎样的结局?等待着她的,将是那一年深秋里的苍凉。Richard Sandoval's New Latin Flavors
In New Latin Flavors, award-winning chef Richard Sandoval offers more than 125 vibrantly seasoned Latin dishes, inspired by his popular restaurant fare but carefully streamlined for the home cook. Quesadillas, ceviches, arepas, and enchiladas are offered with Sandoval' s signature flair and bold flavors. The book also presents delectable cocktails featuring traditional Latin spirits that are beloved in the world of mixology —tequila, mescal, cachaca, rum, and pisco —and a variety of salsas, guacamoles, and other cocktail snacks. Whether the food is comfortingly familiar, like the Mahi-Mahi Tacos, or unex?pected, like the Beef Tiradito with Wasabi Dressing, these recipes offer an exciting new vision of contemporary Latin cooking.