我们所认识的世界,所熟习的人,真的就是的确如此吗?有没有一颗时刻澄明的心能够去随时随地看透任何一个流转不息的人和瞬息万变的世界呢?当这样追问自己的心灵时,就会发现执著于自己一时一地、一人一物的幻象是多么可笑的事情。认识的主体在迁流变化,认识的客体也同样在迁流变化;我是有限的我,你也并非全知全能的你,那么为何那么确实地相信这个虚妄的、流动的自我呢?白话华严经 (套装全6册)
《华严经》描绘了富丽庄严的成佛境界,是诸佛最圆满的展现,也是每一个生命的觉性奋斗史。《白话华严经 (套装全6册)》兼具文言之韵味与白话之易懂,接引读者进入般若经典的殿堂,开启圆满自在的人生。《白话华严经 (套装全6册)》让你跨越文字隔阂,参与菩萨波澜壮阔的生命史诗!
To Buy a Memory
Loretta has loved Lee for years--even following him to South Africa so they could be married. But when she meets Paul Tremayne, a domineering, ruggedly handsome man who happens to be Lee's friend and employer, her attraction to him is undeniable. Loretta gives in to her desire--and finds that behind Paul's severe exterior burns a passion so fierce she is powerless to resist it. Torn between two loves, Loretta must choose--or risk losing her heart and the man she loves.