

Jasper had little doubt that his letter would lead to Rodney's loss of position. It was certainly a mean thing to plot another's downfall, but Jasper was quite capable of it. Had he secured the loan he asked he would have been willing to leave Rodney alone, but it would only have been the first of a series of similar applications.

It was several days before Jasper had an opportunity of learning whether his malicious plan had succeeded or not. On Sunday forenoon he met Rodney on Fifth Avenue just as the church services were over. He crossed the street and accosted the boy he had tried to injure.

"Good morning, Ropes," he said, examining Rodney's face curiously to see whether it indicated trouble of any kind.

"Good morning!" responded Rodney coolly.

"How are you getting along in your place?"

"Very well, thank you."

"Shall I find you at your pupil's house if I call there some afternoon?""Yes, unless I am out walking with Arthur.""I wonder whether he's bluffing," thought Jasper. "I daresay he wouldn't tell me if he had been discharged. He takes it pretty coolly.""How long do you think your engagement will last?" he asked.

"I don't know. I never had a talk with Mr. Sargent on that point.""Do you still give satisfaction?"Rodney penetrated Jasper's motives for asking all these questions, and was amused.

"I presume if I fail to satisfy Mr. Sargent he will tell me so.""It would be a nice thing if you could stay there three or four years.""Yes: but I don't anticipate it. When Arthur get a little older he will be sent to school.""What will you do then?""I haven't got so far as that."

"I can't get anything out of him," said Jasper to himself.

"I shouldn't be a bit surprised if he were already discharged."They had now reached Madison Square, and Jasper left Rodney.

The latter looked after him with a smile.

"I think I have puzzled Jasper," he said to himself. "He was anxious to know how his scheme had worked. He will have to wait a little longer.""If Mr. Sargent keeps Ropes after my letter he must be a fool,"Jasper decided. "I wonder if Ropes handles the mail. He might have suppressed the letter."But Rodney was not familiar with his handwriting, and would have no reason to suspect that the particular letter contained anything likely to injure him in the eyes of Mr. Sargent.

Later in his walk Jasper met Philip Carton. His former friend was sitting on a bench in Madison Square. He called out to Jasper as he passed.

"Come here, Jasper, I want to talk with you."Jasper looked at him in a manner far from friendly.

"I am in a hurry," he said.

"What hurry can you be in? Come and sit down here. I MUSTspeak to you."Jasper did not like his tone, but it impressed him, and he did not dare to refuse.

He seated himself beside Philip, but looked at him askance.

Carton was undeniably shabby. He had the look of a man who was going down hill and that rapidly.

"I shall be late for dinner," grumbled Jasper.

"I wish I had any dinner to look forward to," said Carton.

"Do you see this money?" and he produced a nickel from his pocket.

"What is there remarkable about it?"

"It is the last money I have. It won't buy me a dinner.""I am sorry, but it is none of my business," said Jasper coolly.

"You are old enough to attend to your own affairs.""And I once thought you were my friend," murmured Philip bitterly.

"Yes, we were friends in a way."

"Now you are up and I am down-- Jasper, I want a dollar.""I dare say you do. Plenty want that.""I want it from you."

"I can't spare it."

"You can spare it better than you can spare your situation.""What do you mean by that?" asked Jasper, growing nervous.

"I'll tell you what I mean. How long do you think you would stay in the store if Mr. Goodnow knew that you were concerned in the theft from which he has suffered?""Was I the only one?""No; I am equally guilty."

"I am glad you acknowledge it. You see you had better keep quiet for your own sake.""If I keep quiet I shall starve.""Do you want to go to prison?"

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