

He was a boro mush, as mande could dick, though he was beshing. But though boro he was kek tulo, ta lescre wastes were tarney sar yek rawnie's. Lollo leste mui sar yeck weneskoe paub, ta lescro bal rather lollo than parno. Prey his shero was a beti stadj, and he was kek wafudo riddo. On my putching leste kisi boro he was, ta kisi puro, he penn'd that he was sho pire sore but an inch boro, ta enyovardesh ta dui besh puro. He didn't jin to rokkra bute in Romano, but jinn'd almost sore so mande rokkar'd te leste. Moro rokkrapen was mostly in gorgiko jib. Yeck covar yecklo drey lescro drom of rokkring mande pennsch'd kosko to rig in zi. In tan of penning Romany, sar wafor Romany chals, penn'd o Roumany, a lav which sig, sig rigg'd to my zi Roumain, the tatcho, puro nav of the Vallackiskie jib and foky. He seem'd a biti aladge of being of Romany rat. He penn'd that he was beano drey the Givengreskey Tem, that he was kek tatcho Romano, but yeckly posh ta posh: lescro dado was Romano, but lescri daya a gorgie of the Lilengreskoe Gav; he had never camm'd bute to jib Romaneskoenaes, and when tarno had been a givengreskoe raklo. When he was boro he jall'd adrey the Lilengrotemskey militia, and was desh ta stor besh a militia curomengro. He had jall'd bute about Engli-tem and the juvalo-mengreskey, Tem, drey the cheeros of the puri chingaripen, and had been adrey Monseer-tem, having volunteered to jal odoy to cour agen the parley-woo gueros. He had dick'd Bordeaux and the boro gav Paris. After the chingaripen, he had lell'd oprey skamminengring, and had jall'd about the tem, but had been knau for buter than trianda beshor jibbing in Lundra. He had been romado, but his romadi had been mullee bute, bute cheeros; she had dinn'd leste yeck chavo, so was knau a heftwardesh beshengro, dicking bute puroder than yo cocoro, ta kanau lying naflo of a tatti naflipen drey yeck of the wardes. He penn'd that at yeck cheeros he could kair dosta luvvu by skammin-engring, but kanau from his bori puripen could scarcely kair yeck tringurushee a divvus. "Ladjipen si," I penn'd, "that a mush so puro as tute should have to booty." "Kosko zi! kosko zi!" he penn'd;"Paracrow Dibble that mande is dosta ruslo to booty, and that mande has koskey camomescres; I shan't be tugnis to jib to be a shel beshengro, though tatchipen si if mande was a rye mande would kair kek booty." His chaveskoe chavo, a trianda ta pansch beshengro, well'd kanau ta rokkar'd mansar. He was a misto dicking ta rather misto riddo mush, sar chimouni jinneymengreskey drey lescro mui. He penn'd that his dadeskoe dad was a fino puro mush, savo had dick'd bute, and that dosta, dosta foky well'd odoy to shoon lescre rokkrapenes of the puro cheeros, of the Franciskie ta Amencanskie chingaripenes, and of what yo had dick'd drey wafu tems. That tatchipen to pen there was a cheeros when his drom was dur from kosko, for that he camm'd to cour, sollohaul ta kair himself motto, but that kanau he was a wafu mush, that he had muk'd sore curopen and wafudo rokkrapen, and, to corauni sore, was yeck tee-totaller, yo cocoro having kair'd leste sollohaul that he would pi kekomi neither tatti panie nor levinor: that he jall'd sore the curques either to congri or Tabernacle, and that tho' he kek jinn'd to del oprey he camm'd to shoon the Miduveleskoe lil dell'd oprey to leste; that the panishkie ryor held leste drey boro camopen, and that the congriskoe rashi, and oprey sore Dr. P. of the Tabernacle had a boro opinionos of leste, ta penn'd that he would hal the Miduveleskoe habben sar moro Araunyo Jesus drey the kosko tem opral. Mande putch'd whether the Romany Chals well'd often to dick leste? He penn'd that they well'd knau and then to pen Koshto divvus and Sarshin? but dov' odoy was sore; that neither his dadeskoe dad nor yo cocoro camm'd to dick lende, because they were wafodu foky, perdo of wafodupen and bango camopen, ta oprey sore bute envyous; that drey the wen they jall'd sore cattaney to the ryor, and rokkar'd wafodu of the puno mush, and pukker'd the ryor to let lester a coppur which the ryor had lent leste, to kair tatto his choveno puro truppo drey the cheeros of the trashlo shillipen; that tatchipen si their wafodupen kaired the puro mush kek dosh, for the ryor pukker'd lende to jal their drom and be aladge of their cocore, but that it was kek misto to pensch that yeck was of the same rat as such foky. After some cheeros I dinn'd the puro mush a tawno cuttor of rupe, shook leste by ye wast, penn'd that it would be mistos amande to dick leste a shel-beshengro, and jaw'd away keri.


On the twenty-second day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, I went to see Thomas Herne, an old Gypsy, of whom I had heard a great deal. He was living at a place called Mr.

Groby's Court, not far from the Potteries and the Shepherd's Bush.

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  • 本杰明·巴顿奇事(菲茨杰拉德中短篇小说选)


    小说集中的《本杰明·巴顿奇事》被改编为同名电影,由大卫·芬奇执导, 凯特·布兰切特、布拉德·皮特主演。在这部小说集中,菲茨杰拉德塑造了一群在战后追求梦想而又梦想破灭的青年男女形象,其作品是诗人的敏感和戏剧家的想象力的结晶,是其艺术才能发挥至炉火纯青地步的产物。菲茨杰拉德的魅力来自于他清晰的叙述,优雅的文风,多姿多彩、点铁成金的遗词造句,这种风格在他的短篇小说中得到了最好的体现。
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  • 今生谁与共孤光


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  • 天降萌宝送上门


  • 寻易尊师不遇


  • 夺一群之造化


  • 魔君的绝色师尊


  • 娱乐圈日常


    新书:若华的小时空直播间。平凡人的小时空直播生涯。方若华身为芸芸众生中最平凡的那一个,穿越各个小时空认认真真生活,不知不觉间就变成了她最羡慕,最向往的那类人。! —— 变身美人鱼,在娱乐圈的日常生活! 变身美人鱼混迹娱乐圈!