

The Doctor gave out that he was not quite well; and remained alone, for a considerable part of every day, during the remainder of the visit. Agnes and her father had been gone a week, before we resumed our usual work. On the day preceding its resumption, the Doctor gave me with his own hands a folded note not sealed. It was addressed to myself; and laid an injunction on me, in a few affectionate words, never to refer to the subject of that evening.

I had confided it to my aunt, but to no one else. It was not a subject I could discuss with Agnes, and Agnes certainly had not the least suspicion of what had passed.

Neither, I felt convinced, had Mrs. Strong then. Several weeks elapsed before I saw the least change in her. It came on slowly, like a cloud when there is no wind. At first, she seemed to wonder at the gentle compassion with which the Doctor spoke to her, and at his wish that she should have her mother with her, to relieve the dull monotony of her life. Often, when we were at work, and she was sitting by, I would see her pausing and looking at him with that memorable face. Afterwards, I sometimes observed her rise, with her eyes full of tears, and go out of the room. Gradually, an unhappy shadow fell upon her beauty, and deepened every day. Mrs.

Markleham was a regular inmate of the cottage then; but she talked and talked, and saw nothing.

As this change stole on Annie, once like sunshine in the Doctor's house, the Doctor became older in appearance, and more grave; but the sweetness of his temper, the placid kindness of his manner, and his benevolent solicitude for her, if they were capable of any increase, were increased. I saw him once, early on the morning of her birthday, when she came to sit in the window while we were at work (which she had always done, but now began to do with a timid and uncertain air that I thought very touching), take her forehead between his hands, kiss it, and go hurriedly away, too much moved to remain. I saw her stand where he had left her, like a statue;and then bend down her head, and clasp her hands, and weep, Icannot say how sorrowfully.

Sometimes, after that, I fancied that she tried to speak even to me, in intervals when we were left alone. But she never uttered a word. The Doctor always had some new project for her participating in amusements away from home, with her mother; and Mrs. Markleham, who was very fond of amusements, and very easily dissatisfied with anything else, entered into them with great good-will, and was loud in her commendations. But Annie, in a spiritless unhappy way, only went whither she was led, and seemed to have no care for anything.

I did not know what to think. Neither did my aunt; who must have walked, at various times, a hundred miles in her uncertainty. What was strangest of all was, that the only real relief which seemed to make its way into the secret region of this domestic unhappiness, made its way there in the person of Mr. Dick.

What his thoughts were on the subject, or what his observation was, I am as unable to explain, as I dare say he would have been to assist me in the task. But, as I have recorded in the narrative of my school days, his veneration for the Doctor was unbounded; and there is a subtlety of perception in real attachment, even when it is borne towards man by one of the lower animals, which leaves the highest intellect behind. To this mind of the heart, if I may call it so, in Mr. Dick, some bright ray of the truth shot straight.

He had proudly resumed his privilege, in many of his spare hours, of walking up and down the garden with the Doctor; as he had been accustomed to pace up and down The Doctor's Walk at Canterbury.

But matters were no sooner in this state, than he devoted all his spare time (and got up earlier to make it more) to these perambulations. If he had never been so happy as when the Doctor read that marvellous performance, the Dictionary, to him; he was now quite miserable unless the Doctor pulled it out of his pocket, and began. When the Doctor and I were engaged, he now fell into the custom of walking up and down with Mrs. Strong, and helping her to trim her favourite flowers, or weed the beds. I dare say he rarely spoke a dozen words in an hour: but his quiet interest, and his wistful face, found immediate response in both their breasts;each knew that the other liked him, and that he loved both; and he became what no one else could be - a link between them.

  • 饮膳正要


  • 世说新语


  • 观自在菩萨如意轮瑜伽念诵法


  • 送卢管记仙客北伐


  • 北京五大部直音会韵


  • 失常


  • Notre Dame De Paris

    Notre Dame De Paris

  • 仙妻要休夫


    身为从小什么都被一手包办的废柴,突然发现能修炼了,季云晚的确很高兴。可下一秒,她就被雷劈晕了过去。并且被告知,自己肩负着巴拉巴拉......(此处省略不知道多少字)的重任。对此,季云晚只想骂人,“那么多厉害的不选,选我?谁选的?脑子......”话还没说完,一道雷就落到了她面前。季云晚:“我做,我做还不行嘛,凡事都好商量。”于是,季云晚踏上了前有妖魔鬼怪,后有雷劫的大龄修仙之路。慢慢的,季云晚发现,原来有些事情,由始至终只有她一个人被蒙在鼓里。然后,季云晚怒了!众人齐刷刷的指着某人:“不关我们的事,他是主谋。”某人:“......”季云晚:“谁帮我写一份休书,这事就算了。”某人:“......”众人:“都是被打个半死,该怎么选?” (PS:虽然书名略有脑残,但那是作者自己手哆嗦,书里男女主感情戏份并不多。)
  • 当年的体温


  • 食色药香:丑女大翻身


  • 免费乐透


  • 北大财商课


  • 无法承受的爱情凄绝:金粉记


  • 萌法时代


    这是一个魔法刚刚萌芽的时期,属于骑士们的荣光正在远去,那些抱着陈旧的信条不撒手的贵族们,将会被思想灵活,善于发现应用新鲜事物的新势力所代替。 天华帝国的王子迪夫,自小体弱,其实是一种近魔法体质,他熟读各种书籍,尤其隐秘书库中的“天上奇谈”,更是他地最爱。穿越者狄峰与迪夫的灵魂共存,以其洞察能力和远超当世的价值观和敏锐触角帮助他将一个小势力发展成了大国度,一个以“魔法”作为进步推动力的全新世界模型。世界隔膜出现漏洞,有外星生物成建制入侵,魔法与剑合作,将对意图灭杀整个人类的敌人吹响反攻的号角。
  • 斩鬼录

