

"Nevertheless I will bet my head that you have been lying throughout.""Come, come! That is not very civil of you. Why should I have been lying?""Because I know you, and know that you are a regular skinflint. I say that in all friendship. If I possessed any power over you I should hang you to the nearest tree."This remark hurt Chichikov, for at any time he disliked expressions gross or offensive to decency, and never allowed any one--no, not even persons of the highest rank--to behave towards him with an undue measure of familiarity. Consequently his sense of umbrage on the present occasion was unbounded.

"By God, I WOULD hang you!" repeated Nozdrev. "I say this frankly, and not for the purpose of offending you, but simply to communicate to you my friendly opinion.""To everything there are limits," retorted Chichikov stiffly. "If you want to indulge in speeches of that sort you had better return to the barracks."However, after a pause he added:

"If you do not care to give me the serfs, why not SELL them?""SELL them? _I_ know you, you rascal! You wouldn't give me very much for them, WOULD you?""A nice fellow! Look here. What are they to you? So many diamonds, eh?""I thought so! _I_ know you!"

"Pardon me, but I could wish that you were a member of the Jewish persuasion. You would give them to me fast enough then.""On the contrary, to show you that I am not a usurer, I will decline to ask of you a single kopeck for the serfs. All that you need do is to buy that colt of mine, and then I will throw in the serfs in addition.""But what should _I_ want with your colt?" said Chichikov, genuinely astonished at the proposal.

"What should YOU want with him? Why, I have bought him for ten thousand roubles, and am ready to let you have him for four.""I ask you again: of what use could the colt possibly be to me? I am not the keeper of a breeding establishment.""Ah! I see that you fail to understand me. Let me suggest that you pay down at once three thousand roubles of the purchase money, and leave the other thousand until later.""But I do not mean to buy the colt, damn him!""Then buy the roan mare."

"No, nor the roan mare."

"Then you shall have both the mare and the grey horse which you have seen in my stables for two thousand roubles.""I require no horses at all."

"But you would be able to sell them again. You would be able to get thrice their purchase price at the very first fair that was held.""Then sell them at that fair yourself, seeing that you are so certain of making a triple profit.""Oh, I should make it fast enough, only I want YOU to benefit by the transaction."Chichikov duly thanked his interlocutor, but continued to decline either the grey horse or the roan mare.

"Then buy a few dogs," said Nozdrev. "I can sell you a couple of hides a-quiver, ears well pricked, coats like quills, ribs barrel-shaped, and paws so tucked up as scarcely to graze the ground when they run.""Of what use would those dogs be to me? I am not a sportsman.""But I WANT you to have the dogs. Listen. If you won't have the dogs, then buy my barrel-organ. 'Tis a splendid instrument. As a man of honour I can tell you that, when new, it cost me fifteen hundred roubles. Well, you shall have it for nine hundred.""Come, come! What should I want with a barrel-organ? I am not a German, to go hauling it about the roads and begging for coppers.""But this is quite a different kind of organ from the one which Germans take about with them. You see, it is a REAL organ. Look at it for yourself. It is made of the best wood. I will take you to have another view of it."And seizing Chichikov by the hand, Nozdrev drew him towards the other room, where, in spite of the fact that Chichikov, with his feet planted firmly on the floor, assured his host, again and again, that he knew exactly what the organ was like, he was forced once more to hear how Marlborough went to the war.

"Then, since you don't care to give me any money for it," persisted Nozdrev, "listen to the following proposal. I will give you the barrel-organ and all the dead souls which I possess, and in return you shall give me your britchka, and another three hundred roubles into the bargain.""Listen to the man! In that case, what should I have left to drive in?""Oh, I would stand you another britchka. Come to the coach-house, and I will show you the one I mean. It only needs repainting to look a perfectly splendid britchka.""The ramping, incorrigible devil!" thought Chichikov to himself as at all hazards he resolved to escape from britchkas, organs, and every species of dog, however marvellously barrel-ribbed and tucked up of paw.

"And in exchange, you shall have the britchka, the barrel-organ, and the dead souls," repeated Nozdrev.

"I must decline the offer," said Chichikov.

"And why?"

"Because I don't WANT the things--I am full up already.""I can see that you don't know how things should be done between good friends and comrades. Plainly you are a man of two faces.""What do you mean, you fool? Think for yourself. Why should I acquire articles which I don't want?""Say no more about it, if you please. I have quite taken your measure.

But see here. Should you care to play a game of banker? I am ready to stake both the dead souls and the barrel-organ at cards.""No; to leave an issue to cards means to submit oneself to the unknown," said Chichikov, covertly glancing at the pack which Nozdrev had got in his hands. Somehow the way in which his companion had cut that pack seemed to him suspicious.

"Why 'to the unknown'?" asked Nozdrev. "There is no such thing as 'the unknown.' Should luck be on your side, you may win the devil knows what a haul. Oh, luck, luck!" he went on, beginning to deal, in the hope of raising a quarrel. "Here is the cursed nine upon which, the other night, I lost everything. All along I knew that I should lose my money. Said I to myself: 'The devil take you, you false, accursed card!'"Just as Nozdrev uttered the words Porphyri entered with a fresh bottle of liquor; but Chichikov declined either to play or to drink.

"Why do you refuse to play?" asked Nozdrev.

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