[17] Or, "alarm at the absence of the herd will lend the creature wings."[18] Or, "is past compare"; "is beyond all telling."Foot-gins[19] or caltrops may be set for deer on mountains, in the neighbourhood of meadows and streams and wooded glens, on cross- roads[20] or in tilled fields at spots which they frequent.[21] These gins should be made of twisted yew twigs[22] stripped of the bark to prevent their rotting. They should have well-rounded hooplike "crowns"[23] with alternate rows of nails of wood and iron woven into the coil.[24] The iron nails should be larger, so that while the wooden ones yield to the foot, the others may press into it.[25] The noose of the cord which will be laid upon "the crown" should be woven out of esparto and so should the rope itself, this kind of grass being least liable to rot. The rope and noose itself should both alike be stout. The log or clog of wood attached should be made of common or of holm oak with the bark on, three spans in length, and a palm in thickness.[26]
[19] {podostrabai}, podostrabai so called. Cf. "the boot."[20] {en tais diodois}, "at points where paths issue," or "cross."[21]{prosotiprosie},"againstwhatevertheyarelikelyto approach."[22] Or, "should be woven out of Smilax"; "Ebenholz," Lenz; "Ifs,"Gail.
[23] {tas de stephanas euk. ekh.} "having circular rims."[24] {en to plokano} (al. {plokamo}) = the plaited rope, which formed the {stephane}. See Pollux, v. 32, ap. Schneid. and Lenz.
[25] Al. "so as to press into the foot, if the wooden ones yield." [26] Or, "27 inches x 3."To set the trap, dig a hole in the soil to a depth of fifteen inches,[27] circular in shape, with a circumference at the top exactly corresponding to the crown and narrowing towards the bottom. For the rope and wooden clog likewise remove sufficient earth to let them both be lightly buried. That done, place the foot-gin deep enough to be just even with the surface of the soil,[28] and round the circle of the crown the cord-noose. The cord itself and wooden clog must now be lowered into their respective places. Which done, place on the crown some rods of spindle-tree,[29] but not so as to stick out beyond the outer rim; and above these again light leaves, such as the season may provide. After this put a final coating of earth upon the leaves; in the first place the surface soil from the holes just dug, and atop of that some unbroken solid earth from a distance, so that the lie of the trap may be as much as possible unnoticed by the deer. Any earth left over should be carried to a distance from the gin. The mere smell of the newly-turned-up soil will suffice to make the animal suspicious;[30] and smell it readily she will.
[27] Or, "remove a mass of soil to the depth of five palms so as to form a circular hole corresponding in size with the rim above- named."[28] Or, "like a door over the cavity, somewhat below the surface, flatwise"; i.e. "in a horizontal position."[29] So literally, but really Carthamus creticus, a thistle-like plant used for making spindles (Sprengel ap. L. & S.), the Euonymous europaeus being our spindle-tree. Aristot. "H. A." ix. 40, 49; Theocr.
iv. 52.
[30] Lit. "if she once sniffs the new-turned soil the deer grows shy, and that she will quickly do." See Plat. "Laws," 933 A; "Phaedr." 242C; "Mem." II. i. 4.
The hunter should take his hounds and inspect the traps upon the mountains, early in the morning if possible, though he should do so also during the day at other times. Those set on cultivated land must always be inspected early, before the sun is up in fact,[31] and for this reason: on the hills, so desert is the region,[32] the creatures may be caught not only at night but at any time of day; while, on the cultivated lands, owing to their chronic apprehension of mankind in daytime, night is the only time.[33]
[31] "Before the sun is up."
[32] Or, "thanks to the lonesomeness of the region."[33] "It is night or never, owing to the dread of man which haunts the creature's mind during daytime."As soon as the huntsman finds a gin uprooted he will let slip his hounds and with cheery encouragement[34] follow along the wake of the wooden clog, with a keen eye to the direction of its march. That for the most part will be plain enough, since stones will be displaced, and the furrow which the clog makes as it trails along will be conspicuous on tilled ground; or if the deer should strike across rough ground, the rocks will show pieces of bark torn from the clog, and the chase will consequently be all the easier.[35]
[34] See vi. 20; "with view-halloo."
[35] Or, "along that track will not be difficult."Should the deer have been caught by one of its fore-feet it will soon be taken, because in the act of running it will beat and batter its own face and body; if by the hind-leg, the clog comes trailing along and must needs impede the action of every limb. Sometimes, too, as it is whirled along it will come in contact with the forked branches of some tree, and then unless the animal can snap the rope in twain, she is fairly caught; there ends the chase. But even so, if caught in this way or overdone with fatigue, it were well not to come too close the quarry, should it chance to be a stag, or he will lunge out with his antlers and his feet; better therefore let fly your javelins from a distance.
These animals may also be captured without aid of gin or caltrop, by sheer coursing in hot summer time; they get so tired, they will stand still to be shot down. If hard pressed they will plunge into the sea or take to waterof any sort in their perplexity, and at times will drop down from sheer want of breath.[36]
[36] "From mere shortness of breath."