

Keimer's printing-house, I found, consisted of an old shatter'd press, and one small, worn-out font of English which he was then using himself, composing an Elegy on Aquila Rose, before mentioned, an ingenious young man, of excellent character, much respected in the town, clerk of the Assembly, and a pretty poet.Keimer made verses too, but very indifferently.He could not be said to write them, for his manner was to compose them in the types directly out of his head.So there being no copy,but one pair of cases, and the Elegy likely to require all the letter, no one could help him.I endeavor'd to put his press (which he had not yet us'd, and of which he understood nothing) into order fit to be work'd with; and, promising to come and print off his Elegy as soon as he should have got it ready, I return'd to Bradford's, who gave me a little job to do for the present, and there I lodged and dieted, A few days after, Keimer sent for me to print off the Elegy.And now he had got another pair of cases, and a pamphlet to reprint, on which he set me to work.

These two printers I found poorly qualified for their business.Bradford had not been bred to it, and was very illiterate; and Keimer, tho' something of a scholar, was a mere compositor, knowing nothing of presswork.He had been one of the French prophets, and could act their enthusiastic agitations.At this time he did not profess any particular religion, but something of all on occasion; was very ignorant of the world, and had, as I afterward found, a good deal of the knave in his composition.He did not like my lodging at Bradford's while I work'd with him.He had a house, indeed, but without furniture, so he could not lodge me; but he got me a lodging at Mr.Read's, before mentioned, who was the owner of his house; and, my chest and clothes being come by this time, I made rather a more respectable appearance in the eyes of Miss Read than I had done when she first happen'd to see me eating my roll in the street.

I began now to have some acquaintance among the young people of the town, that were lovers of reading, with whom I spent my evenings very pleasantly; and gaining money by my industry and frugality, I lived very agreeably, forgetting Boston as much as I could, and not desiring that any there should know where I resided, except my friend Collins, who was in my secret, and kept it when I wrote to him.At length, an incident happened that sent me back again much sooner than I had intended.I had a brother-in-law, Robert Holmes, master of a sloop that traded between Boston and Delaware.He being at Newcastle, forty miles below Philadelphia, heard there of me, and wrote me a letter mentioning the concern of my friends in Boston at my abrupt departure, assuring me of their good will to me, and that every thing would be accommodated to my mind if I would return, to which he exhorted me very earnestly.I wrote ananswer to his letter, thank'd him for his advice, but stated my reasons for quitting Boston fully and in such a light as to convince him I was not so wrong as he had apprehended.

Sir William Keith, governor of the province, was then at Newcastle, and Captain Holmes, happening to be in company with him when my letter came to hand, spoke to him of me, and show'd him the letter.The governor read it, and seem'd surpris'd when he was told my age.He said I appear'd a young man of promising parts, and therefore should be encouraged; the printers at Philadelphia were wretched ones; and, if I would set up there, he made no doubt I should succeed; for his part, he would procure me the public business, and do me every other service in his power.This my brother-in-law afterwards told me in Boston, but I knew as yet nothing of it; when, one day, Keimer and I being at work together near the window, we saw the governor and another gentleman (which proved to be Colonel French, of Newcastle), finely dress'd, come directly across the street to our house, and heard them at the door.

Keimer ran down immediately, thinking it a visit to him; but the governor inquir'd for me, came up, and with a condescension of politeness I had been quite unus'd to, made me many compliments, desired to be acquainted with me, blam'd me kindly for not having made myself known to him when I first came to the place, and would have me away with him to the tavern, where he was going with Colonel French to taste, as he said, some excellent Madeira.I was not a little surprised, and Keimer star'd like a pig poison'd.I went, however, with the governor and Colonel French to a tavern, at the corner of Third-street, and over the Madeira he propos'd my setting up my business, laid before me the probabilities of success, and both he and Colonel French assur'd me I should have their interest and influence in procuring the public business of both governments.On my doubting whether my father would assist me in it, Sir William said he would give me a letter to him, in which he would state the advantages, and he did not doubt of prevailing with him.So it was concluded I should return to Boston in the first vessel, with the governor's letter recommending me to my father.In the mean time the intention was to be kept a secret, and I went on working with Keimer as usual, the governorsending for me now and then to dine with him, a very great honor I thought it, and conversing with me in the most affable, familiar, and friendly manner imaginable.

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    A Cumberland Vendetta

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    各位书移友们驾老驴新书,点击作家页里有连结。 天谴般的灾难降临之后,林轻扬在联邦最高科学殿堂所开发出来的人工智能帮助下,在这个地狱般的末日世界里过著有滋有味的生活。举起追查真相和拯救世界的大义旗帜在环游世界,一路上不但有水有电可以看影片、喝咖啡、洗热水澡,顿顿都能吃到大餐。原本身无分文、一无所有的林轻扬在生产能力为零的世界里要粮有粮、要枪有枪、要车有车,还有一帮生死与共的兄弟!P.S:"本书为无系统、无异能、无玄幻、无武功的四无科幻末世文"
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