

I hardly know what the girl did to offend them.There was certainly no beauty about her to make the others envious; she was the plainest woman in the house, with the additional misfortune of having one shoulder bigger than the other.What the servants chiefly resented, I think, was her silent tongue and her solitary ways.She read or worked in leisure hours when the rest gossiped.And when it came to her turn to go out, nine times out of ten she quietly put on her bonnet, and had her turn by herself.She never quarrelled, she never took offence; she only kept a certain distance, obstinately and civilly, between the rest of them and herself.Add to this that, plain as she was, there was just a dash of something that wasn't like a housemaid, and that was like a lady, about her.It might have been in her voice, or it might have been in her face.All I can say is, that the other women pounced on it like lightning the first day she came into the house, and said (which was most unjust) that Rosanna Spearman gave herself airs.

Having now told the story of Rosanna, I have only to notice one of the many queer ways of this strange girl to get on next to the story of the sands.

Our house is high up on the Yorkshire coast, and close by the sea.We have got beautiful walks all round us, in every direction but one.That one I acknowledge to be a horrid walk.It leads, for a quarter of a mile, through a melancholy plantation of firs, and brings you out between low cliffs on the loneliest and ugliest little bay on all our coast.

The sand-hills here run down to the sea, and end in two spits of rock jutting out opposite each other, till you lose sight of them in the water.

One is called the North Spit, and one the South.Between the two, shifting backwards and forwards at certain seasons of the year, lies the most horrible quicksand on the shores of Yorkshire.At the turn of the tide something goes on in the unknown deeps below, which sets the whole face of the quicksand shivering and trembling in a manner most remarkable to see, and which has given to it, among the people in our parts, the name of the Shivering Sand.

A great bank, half a mile out, nigh the mouth of the bay, breaks the force of the main ocean coming in from the offing.Winter and summer, when the tide flows over the quicksand, the sea seems to leave the waves behind it on the bank, and rolls its waters in smoothly with a heave, and covers the sand in silence.A lonesome and a horrid retreat, I can tell you! No boat ever ventures into this bay.No children from our fishing-village, called Cobb's Hole, ever come here to play.The very birds of the air, as it seems to me, give the Shivering Sand a wide berth.That a young woman, with dozens of nice walks to choose from, and company to go with her, if she only said `Come!' should prefer this place, and should sit and work or read in it, all alone, when it's her turn out, I grant you, passes belief.

It's true, nevertheless, account for it as you may, that this was Rosanna Spearman's favourite walk, except when she went once or twice to Cobb's Hole, to see the only friend she had in our neighbourhood, of whom more anon.It's also true that I was now setting out for this same place, to fetch the girl in to dinner, which brings us round happily to our former point, and starts us fair again on our way to the sands.

I saw no sign of the girl in the plantation.When I got out, through the sand-hills, on to the beach, there she was, in her little straw bonnet, and her plain grey cloak that she always wore to hide her deformed shoulder as much as might be--there she was, all alone, looking out on the quicksand and the sea.

She started when I came up with her, and turned her head away from me.

Not looking me in the face being another of the proceedings which, as head of the servants, I never allow, on principle, to pass without inquiry--Iturned her round my way, and saw that she was crying.My bandanna handkerchief--one of six beauties given to me by my lady--was handy in my pocket.I took it out, and I said to Rosanna, `Come and sit down, my dear, on the slope of the beach along with me.I'll dry your eyes for you first, and then I'll make so bold as to ask what you have been crying about.'

When you come to my age, you will find sitting down on the slope of a beach a much longer job than you think it now.By the time I was settled, Rosanna had dried her own eyes with a very inferior handkerchief to mine--cheap cambric.She looked very quiet, and very wretched; but she sat down by me like a good girl, when I told her.When you want to comfort a woman by the shortest way, take her on your knee.I thought of this golden rule.

But there! Rosanna wasn't Nancy, and that's the truth of it!

`Now, tell me, my dear,' I said, `what are you crying about?'

`About the years that are gone, Mr.Betteredge,' says Rosanna quietly.

`My past life still comes back to me sometimes.'

`Come, come, my girl,' I said, `your past life is all sponged out.Why can't you forget it?'

She took me by one of the lappets of my coat.I am a slovenly old man, and a good deal of my meat and drink gets splashed about on my clothes.

Sometimes one of the women, and sometimes another, cleans me of my grease.

The day before, Rosanna had taken out a spot for me on the lappet of my coat, with a new composition, warranted to remove anything.The grease was gone, but there was a little dull place left on the nap of the cloth where the grease had been.The girl pointed to that place, and shook her head.

`The stain is taken off,' she said.`But the place shows, Mr.Betteredge--the place shows!'

  • 石经考异


  • 明伦汇编宫闱典宫女部


  • 佛说菩萨本业经


  • 香咳集


  • 怪术


  • 名门庶女很嚣张


  • 追随你的时光


  • 至尊神魂


  • 妖凤归来:重生不为后


  • 将军策之女将风华


  • 胎教百问百答


    从一个受精卵到一个完整的生命,其中的量变和质变是如此地震撼人心。生命,在不断的孕育与诞生中,在无穷的体验与感受中,从远古洪荒向我们走来,走过了千万年。生命的每一过程,是那样难以捉摸,但每一个阶段,现在却都能被父母所把握。诚然,在了解生命最初阶段时,你会遇到许许多多的问题。比如,“第一个月的胎儿是什么样的?”“胎儿有记忆力吗?”“胎教应从什么时候开始?”“双亲的遗传对孩子的智力有什么影响?”“音乐对胎儿是有益的吗?”……如果你浏览一下手中的这本书,它会给你一个满意的回答。 本书为“金阳光新农村丛书”之一,对关于胎教问题进行了全面解答。全书新颖实用,简明易懂。
  • 别让借口缠住你


  • 千古绝唱


  • 送刘山人归洞庭


  • 贾如能重来

