

`Besides, you will find your nightgown in my hiding-place, with the smear of the paint on it; and you will want to know how it came to be hidden by me? and why I said nothing to you about it in my lifetime? I have only one reason to give.I did these strange things because I loved you.

`I won't trouble you with much about myself, or my life, before you came to my lady's house.Lady Varinder took me out of a reformatory.Ihad gone to the reformatory from the prison.I was put in the prison, because I was a thief.I was a thief, because my mother went on the streets when I was quite a little girl.My mother went on the streets, because the gentleman who was my father deserted her.There is no need to tell such a common story as this, at any length.It is told quite often enough in the news-papers.

`Lady Verinder was very kind to me, and Mr.Betteredge was very kind to me.Those two and the matron at the reformatory are the only good people I have ever met with in all my life.I might have got on in my place--not happily--but I might have got on, if you had not come visiting.I don't blame you , sir.It's my fault--all my fault.

`Do you remember when you came out on us from among the sandhills, that morning, looking for Mr.Betteredge? You were like a prince in a fairy-story.

You were like a lover in a dream.You were the most adorable human creature I had ever seen.Something that felt like the happy life I had never led yet, leapt up in me at the instant I set eyes on you.Don't laugh at this if you can help it.Oh, if I could only make you fell how serious it is to me !

`I went back to the house, and wrote your name and mine in my work-box, and drew a true lovers' knot under them.Then, some devil--no, I ought to say some good angel--whispered to me, "Go and look in the glass." The glass told me--never mind what.I was too foolish to take the warning.

I went on getting fonder and fonder of you, just as if I was a lady in your own rank of life, and the most beautiful creature your eyes ever rested on.I tried--oh, dear, how I tried--to get you to look at me.If you had known how I used to cry at night with the misery and the mortification of your never taking any notice of me, you would have pitied me perhaps, and have given me a look now and then to live on.

`It would have been no very kind look, perhaps, if you had known how I hated Miss Rachel.I believe I found out you were in love with her, before you knew it yourself.She used to give you roses to wear in your button-hole.

Ah, Mr.Franklin, you wore my roses oftener than either you or she thought! The only comfort I had at that time, was putting my rose secretly in your glass of water, in place of hers--and then throwing her rose away.

`If she had been really as pretty as you thought her, I might have borne it better.No; I believe I should have been more spiteful against her still.

Suppose you put Miss Rachel into a servant's dress, and took her ornaments off--? I don't know what is the use of my writing in this way.It can't be denied that she had a bad figure; she was too thin.But who can tell what the men like? And young ladies may behave in a manner which would cost a servant her place.It's no business of mine.I can't expect you to read my letter, if I write it in this way.But it does stir one up to hear Miss Rachel called pretty, when one knows all the time that it's her dress does it, and her confidence in herself.

`Try not to lose patience with me, sir.I will get on as fast as I can to the time which is sure to interest you--the time when the Diamond was lost.

`But there is one thing which I have got it on my mind to tell you first.

`My life was not a very hard life to bear, while I was a thief.It was only when they had taught me at the reformatory to feel my own degradation, and to try for better things, that the days grew long and weary.Thoughts of the future forced themselves on me now.I felt the dreadful reproach that honest people--even the kindest of honest people--were to me in themselves.

A heart-breaking sensation of loneliness kept with me, go where I might, and do what I might, and see what persons I might.It was my duty, I know, to try and get on with my fellow-servants in my new place.Somehow, I couldn't make friends with them.They looked (or I thought they looked) as if they suspected what I had been.I don't regret, far from it, having been roused to make the effort to be a reformed woman--but, indeed, indeed it was a weary life.You had come across it like a beam of sunshine at first--and then you too failed me.I was mad enough to love you; and I couldn't even attract your notice.There was great misery--there really was great misery in that.

`Now I am coming to what I wanted to tell you.In those days of bitterness, I went two or three times, when it was my turn to go out, to my favourite place--the beach above the Shivering Sand.And I said to myself, "I think it will end here.When I can bear it no longer, I think it will end here."You will understand, sir, that the place had laid a kind of spell on me before you came.I had always had a notion that something would happen to me at the quicksand.But I had never looked at it, with the thought of its being the means of my making away with myself, till the time came of which I am now writing.Then I did think that here was a place which would end all my troubles for me in a moment or two--and hide me for ever afterwards.

`This is all I have to say about myself, reckoning from the morning when I first saw you, to the morning when the alarm was raised in the house that the Diamond was lost.

`I was so aggravated by the foolish talk among the women servants, all wondering who was to be suspected first; and I was so angry with you (knowing no better at that time) for the pains you took in hunting for the jewel, and sending for the police, that I kept as much as possible away by myself, until later in the day, when the officer from Frizinghall came to the house.

  • 入众日用


  • Soldiers of Fortune

    Soldiers of Fortune

  • Leviathan


  • 石遗室诗话


  • 大方广佛华严经疏


  • 厘俸:傣族英雄史诗(中华大国学经典文库)


  • 无敌剑豪闯末世


  • 子渊诗集


  • 无限崛起


  • 梦里有个修真界


  • 成功人士的七个习惯


  • 巴黎圣母院


  • 重生之千古仙帝


  • 从食神到女神:气血好的女人不会老


  • 301医院的神秘病人

