When Adrienne de Cardoville entered the saloon where Agricola expected her, she was dressed with extremely elegant simplicity.A robe of deep blue, perfectly fitted to her shape, embroidered in front with interlacings of black silk, according to the then fashion, outlined her nymph-like figure, and her rounded bosom.A French cambric collar, fastened by a large Scotch pebble, set as a brooch, served her for a necklace.Her magnificent golden hair formed a framework for her fair countenance, with an incredible profusion of long and light spiral tresses, which reached nearly to her waist.
Agricola, in order to save explanations with his father, and to make him believe that he had indeed gone to the workshop of M.Hardy, had been obliged to array himself in his working dress; he had put on a new blouse though, and the collar of his shirt, of stout linen, very white, fell over upon a black cravat, negligently tied; his gray trousers allowed his well polished boots to be seen; and he held between his muscular hands a cap of fine woolen cloth, quite new.To sum up, his blue blouse, embroidered with red, showing off the nervous chest of the young blacksmith, and indicating his robust shoulders, falling down in graceful folds, put not the least constraint upon his free and easy gait, and became him much better than either frock-coat or dress-coat would have done.While awaiting Miss de Cardoville, Agricola mechanically examined a magnificent silver vase, admirably graven.A small tablet, of the same metal, fitted into a cavity of its antique stand, bore the words--"Chased by JEAN MARIE, working chaser, 1831."
Adrienne had stepped so lightly upon the carpet of her saloon, only separated from another apartment by the doors, that Agricola had not perceived the young lady's entrance.He started, and turned quickly round, upon hearing a silver and brilliant voice say to him--
"That is a beautiful vase, is it not, sir?"
"Very beautiful, madame," answered Agricola greatly embarrassed.
"You may see from it that I like what is equitable." added Miss de Cardoville, pointing with her finger to the little silver tablet;--"an artist puts his name upon his painting; an author publishes his on the title-page of his book; and I contend that an artisan ought also to have his name connected with his workmanship."
"Oh, madame, so this name?"
"Is that of the poor chaser who executed this masterpiece, at the order of a rich goldsmith.When the latter sold me the vase, he was amazed at my eccentricity, he would have almost said at my injustice, when, after having made him tell me the name of the author of this production, I ordered his name to be inscribed upon it, instead of that of the goldsmith, which had already been affixed to the stand.In the absence of the rich profits, let the artisan enjoy the fame of his skill.Is it not just, sir?"
It would have been impossible for Adrienne to commence the conversation more graciously: so that the blacksmith, already beginning to feel a little more at ease, answered:
"Being a mechanic myself, madame, I cannot but be doubly affected by such a proof of your sense of equity and justice."
"Since you are a mechanic, sir," resumed Adrienne, "I cannot but felicitate myself on having so suitable a hearer.But please to be seated."
With a gesture full of affability, she pointed to an armchair of purple silk embroidered with gold, sitting down herself upon a tete-d-tete of the same materials.
Seeing Agricola's hesitation, who again cast down his eyes with embarrassment, Adrienne, to encourage him, showed him Frisky, and said to him gayly: "This poor little animal, to which I am very much attached, will always afford me a lively remembrance of your obliging complaisance, sir.And this visit seems to me to be of happy augury; I know not what good presentiment whispers to me, that perhaps I shall have the pleasure of being useful to you in some affair."
"Madame," said Agricola, resolutely, "my name is Baudoin: a blacksmith in the employment of M.Hardy, at Pressy, near the city.Yesterday you offered me your purse and I refused it: to-day, I have come to request of you perhaps ten or twenty times the sum that you had generously proposed.
I have said thus much all at once, madame, because it causes me the greatest effort.The words blistered my lips, but now I shall be more at ease."
"I appreciate the delicacy of your scruples, sir," said Adrienne; "but if you knew me, you would address me without fear.How much do you require?"
"I do not know, madame," answered Agricola.
"I beg your pardon.You don't know what sum?"
"No madame; and I come to you to request, not only the sum necessary to me, but also information as to what that sum is."
"Let us see, sir," said Adrienne, smiling, "explain this to me.In spite of my good will, you feel that I cannot divine, all at once, what it is that is required."
"Madame, in two words, I can state the truth.I have a food old mother, who in her youth, broke her health by excessive labor, to enable her to bring me up; and not only me, but a poor abandoned child whom she had picked up.It is my turn now to maintain her; and that I have the happiness of doing.But in order to do so, I have only my labor.If I am dragged from my employment, my mother will be without support."
"Your mother cannot want for anything now, sir, since I interest myself for her."
"You will interest yourself for her, madame?" said Agricola.
"Certainly," replied Adrienne.
"But you don't know her," exclaimed the blacksmith.
"Now I do; yes."
"Oh, madame!" said Agricola, with emotion, after a moment's silence."I understand you.But indeed you have a noble heart.Mother Bunch was right."
"Mother Bunch?" said Adrienne, looking at Agricola with a very surprised air; for what he said to her was an enigma.
The blacksmith, who blushed not for his friends, replied frankly.