

I followed slowly behind, and entered the gate of the town; an old dilapidated place, consisting of little more than one street.Along this street I was advancing, when a man with a dirty foraging cap on his head, and holding a gun in his hand, came running up to me: "Who are you?" said he, in rather rough accents, "from whence do you come?""From Badajoz and Trujillo," I replied; "why do you ask?""I am one of the national guard," said the man, "and am placed here to inspect strangers; I am told that a Gypsy fellow just now rode through the town; it is well for him that I had stepped into my house.Do you come in his company?""Do I look a person," said I, "likely to keep company with Gypsies?"The national measured me from top to toe, and then looked me full in the face with an expression which seemed to say, "likely enough." In fact, my appearance was by no means calculated to prepossess people in my favour.Upon my head Iwore an old Andalusian hat, which, from its condition, appeared to have been trodden under foot; a rusty cloak, which had perhaps served half a dozen generations, enwrapped my body.My nether garments were by no means of the finest description; and as far as could be seen were covered with mud, with which my face was likewise plentifully bespattered, and upon my chin was a beard of a week's growth.

"Have you a passport?" at length demanded the national.

I remembered having read that the best way to win a Spaniard's heart is to treat him with ceremonious civility.Itherefore dismounted, and taking off my hat, made a low bow to the constitutional soldier, saying, "Senor nacional, you must know that I am an English gentleman, travelling in this country for my pleasure; I bear a passport, which, on inspecting, you will find to be perfectly regular; it was given me by the great Lord Palmerston, minister of England, whom you of course have heard of here; at the bottom you will see his own handwriting;look at it and rejoice; perhaps you will never have another opportunity.As I put unbounded confidence in the honour of every gentleman, I leave the passport in your hands whilst Irepair to the posada to refresh myself.When you have inspected it, you will perhaps oblige me so far as to bring it to me.Cavalier, I kiss your hands."I then made him another low bow, which he returned with one still lower, and leaving him now staring at the passport and now looking at myself, I went into a posada, to which I was directed by a beggar whom I met.

I fed the horse, and procured some bread and barley, as the Gypsy had directed me; I likewise purchased three fine partridges of a fowler, who was drinking wine in the posada.

He was satisfied with the price I gave him, and offered to treat me with a copita, to which I made no objection.As we sat discoursing at the table, the national entered with the passport in his hand, and sat down by us.

NATIONAL.- Caballero! I return you your passport, it is quite in form; I rejoice much to have made your acquaintance; Ihave no doubt that you can give me some information respecting the present war.

MYSELF.- I shall be very happy to afford so polite and honourable a gentleman any information in my power.

NATIONAL.- What is England doing, - is she about to afford any assistance to this country? If she pleased she could put down the war in three months.

MYSELF.- Be under no apprehension, Senor nacional; the war will be put down, don't doubt.You have heard of the English legion, which my Lord Palmerston has sent over? Leave the matter in their hands, and you will soon see the result.

NATIONAL.- It appears to me that this Caballero Balmerson must be a very honest man.

MYSELF.- There can be no doubt of it.

NATIONAL.- I have heard that he is a great general.

MYSELF.- There can be no doubt of it.In some things neither Napoleon nor the sawyer * would stand a chance with him for a moment.ES MUCHO HOMBRE.

* El Serrador, a Carlist partisan, who about this period was much talked of in Spain.

NATIONAL.- I am glad to hear it.Does he intend to head the legion himself?

MYSELF.- I believe not; but he has sent over, to head the fighting men, a friend of his, who is thought to be nearly as much versed in military matters as himself.

NATIONAL.- I am rejoiced to hear it.I see that the war will soon be over.Caballero, I thank you for your politeness, and for the information which you have afforded me.I hope you will have a pleasant journey.I confess that I am surprised to see a gentleman of your country travelling alone, and in this manner, through such regions as these.The roads are at present very bad; there have of late been many accidents, and more than two deaths in this neighbourhood.The despoblado out yonder has a particularly evil name; be on your guard, Caballero.I am sorry that Gypsy was permitted to pass; should you meet him and not like his looks, shoot him at once, stab him, or ride him down.He is a well known thief, contrabandista, and murderer, and has committed more assassinations than he has fingers on his hands.Caballero, if you please, we will allow you a guard to the other side of the pass.You do not wish it? Then, farewell.Stay, before I go I should wish to see once more the signature of the Caballero Balmerson.

I showed him the signature, which he looked upon with profound reverence, uncovering his head for a moment; we then embraced and parted.

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