

Newman, who had rarely heard these words used, had never been at pains to attach any particular image to them; but they occurred to him now and seemed charged with a sort of melodious meaning.

They signified something fair and softly bright, that had easy motions and spoke very agreeably.

"Have you many friends in Paris; do you go out?" asked Madame de Cintre, who had at last thought of something to say.

"Do you mean do I dance, and all that?"

"Do you go dans le monde, as we say?"

"I have seen a good many people.Mrs.Tristram has taken me about.

I do whatever she tells me."

"By yourself, you are not fond of amusements?""Oh yes, of some sorts.I am not fond of dancing, and that sort of thing;I am too old and sober.But I want to be amused; I came to Europe for that.""But you can be amused in America, too."

"I couldn't; I was always at work.But after all, that was my amusement."At this moment Madame de Bellegarde came back for another cup of tea, accompanied by the Count Valentin.Madame de Cintre, when she had served her, began to talk again with Newman, and recalling what he had last said, "In your own country you were very much occupied?" she asked.

"l was in business.I have been in business since I was fifteen years old.""And what was your business?" asked Madame de Bellegarde, who was decidedly not so pretty as Madame de Cintre.

"I have been in everything," said Newman."At one time I sold leather;at one time I manufactured wash-tubs."

Madame de Bellegarde made a little grimace."Leather? I don't like that.

Wash-tubs are better.I prefer the smell of soap.I hope at least they made your fortune." She rattled this off with the air of a woman who had the reputation of saying everything that came into her head, and with a strong French accent.

Newman had spoken with cheerful seriousness, but Madame de Bellegarde's tone made him go on, after a meditative pause, with a certain light grimness of jocularity."No, I lost money on wash-tubs, but I came out pretty square on leather.""I have made up my mind, after all," said Madame de Bellegarde, "that the great point is--how do you call it?--to come out square.

I am on my knees to money; I don't deny it.If you have it, I ask no questions.For that I am a real democrat--like you, monsieur.

Madame de Cintre is very proud; but I find that one gets much more pleasure in this sad life if one doesn't look too close.""Just Heaven, dear madam, how you go at it," said the Count Valentin, lowering his voice.

"He's a man one can speak to, I suppose, since my sister receives him,"the lady answered."Besides, it's very true; those are my ideas.""Ah, you call them ideas," murmured the young man.

"But Mrs.Tristram told me you had been in the army--in your war,"said Madame de Cintre.

"Yes, but that is not business!" said Newman.

"Very true!" said M.de Bellegarde."Otherwise perhaps Ishould not be penniless."

"Is it true," asked Newman in a moment, "that you are so proud?

I had already heard it."

Madame de Cintre smiled."Do you find me so?""Oh," said Newman, "I am no judge.If you are proud with me, you will have to tell me.Otherwise I shall not know it."Madame de Cintre began to laugh."That would be pride in a sad position!" she said.

"It would be partly," Newman went on, "because I shouldn't want to know it.

I want you to treat me well."

Madame de Cintre, whose laugh had ceased, looked at him with her head half averted, as if she feared what he was going to say.

"Mrs.Tristram told you the literal truth," he went on; "I want very much to know you.I didn't come here simply to call to-day;I came in the hope that you might ask me to come again.""Oh, pray come often," said Madame de Cintre.

"But will you be at home?" Newman insisted.Even to himself he seemed a trifle "pushing," but he was, in truth, a trifle excited.

"I hope so!" said Madame de Cintre.

Newman got up."Well, we shall see," he said smoothing his hat with his coat-cuff.

"Brother," said Madame de Cintre, "invite Mr.Newman to come again."The Count Valentin looked at our hero from head to foot with his peculiar smile, in which impudence and urbanity seemed perplexingly commingled.

"Are you a brave man?" he asked, eying him askance.

"Well, I hope so," said Newman.

"I rather suspect so.In that case, come again.""Ah, what an invitation!" murmured Madame de Cintre, with something painful in her smile.

"Oh, I want Mr.Newman to come--particularly," said the young man.

"It will give me great pleasure.I shall be desolate if Imiss one of his visits.But I maintain he must be brave.

A stout heart, sir!" And he offered Newman his hand.

"I shall not come to see you; I shall come to see Madame de Cintre," said Newman.

"You will need all the more courage."

"Ah, Valentin!" said Madame de Cintre, appealingly.

"Decidedly," cried Madame de Bellegarde, "I am the only person here capable of saying something polite! Come to see me;you will need no courage," she said.

Newman gave a laugh which was not altogether an assent, and took his leave.

Madame de Cintre did not take up her sister's challenge to be gracious, but she looked with a certain troubled air at the retreating guest.

  • 兜率龟镜集


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    The Water-Babies

  • 仁王般若经陀罗尼念诵仪轨


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  • 紫色童话书


  • 十二州歌


  • 星宇战兵


  • 杰克,只是开膛手?(4)


  • One of Ours

    One of Ours

  • 重生未来之传承


  • 上西天


  • 全能少主:小哥哥,离远点儿


  • 岭南逸史


  • 中国小小说名家档案:八月盛宴

