【1V1双洁,甜宠,治愈系】前世,他默不作声,爱她到身份和生命都放弃,这一世换她来守护他,揍渣捶婊虐极品,顺便兴风作妖,爬他墙。全世界都认为是来路不明的甜久,撩了天之骄子的傅淮景,被爱着,护着,宠上瘾。只有傅淮景自己知道,是他先动心,先动手,从前世设下了套。宠到她非他不可!民政局里,工作人员胆战心惊:“傅少,您老婆是黑户,办不了结婚证!”傅淮景扔出小本本:“先上户口!我连心刨都给她住,还舍不得一个户口本?”(女主是猫神,少女漫画风,轻松搞笑,请多多支持)Six Lectures on Political Economy
她是东方的族长魔女,狡诈,腹黑,邪恶。一朝穿越到了古代谭竹国,成为了某人的皇后。看到了某人不屑的眼神后。她也不由气的直磨牙,心中恨恨道:不就是娶我当皇后嘛?老娘我还不乐意呢!不过,以后皇宫少了一只猫;少了一只狗;嘿咻中,榻上多了一条蛇。虽然这些都是我做的,但我是不会承认的……【天十更】虫子信誉,有保障,请放心包养!【本故事纯属虚构】Scorpion God
This title comes with an introduction by Craig Raine. Three short novels show Golding at his playful, ironic and mysterious best. In The Scorpion God we see the world of ancient Egypt at the time of the earliest pharaohs. Clonk Clonk is a graphic account of a crippled youth's triumph over his tormentors in a primitive matriarchal society. And Envoy Extraordinary is a tale of Imperial Rome where the emperor loves his illegitimate grandson more than his own arrogant, loutish heir. "The writing is brilliant, so fluent and stylish that the stories read themselves like a dream. "(Daily Telegraph). "As ambitious and as engrossing as the best of Golding. "(Financial Times).