

"If you do that he must be very good- because you, evidently, are beautifully good.""He's most kind.It will never be known, the good he does.""His ability is known," Mildred added; "every one thinks it's immense.""Oh, I can see that," said Isabel."But if I were he I should wish to fight to the death: I mean for the heritage of the past.I should hold it tight.""I think one ought to be liberal," Mildred argued gently."We've always been so, even from the earliest times.""Ah well," said Isabel, "you've made a great success of it; Idon't wonder you like it.I see you're very fond of crewels."When Lord Warburton showed her the house, after luncheon, seemed to her a matter of course that it should be a noble picture.Within, it had been a good deal modernized- some of its best points had lost their purity; but as they saw it from the gardens, a stout grey pile, of the softest, deepest, most weather-fretted hue, rising from a broad, still moat, it affected the young visitor as a castle in a legend.The day was cool and rather lustreless; the first note of autumn had been struck, and the watery sunshine rested on the walls in blurred and desultory gleams, washing them, as it were, in places tenderly chosen, where the ache of antiquity was keenest.Her host's brother, the Vicar, had come to luncheon, and Isabel had had five minutes' talk with him- time enough to institute a search for a rich ecclesiasticism and give it up as vain.The marks of the Vicar of Lockleigh were a big, athletic figure, a candid, natural countenance, a capacious appetite and a tendency to indiscriminate laughter.Isabel learned afterwards from her cousin that before taking orders he had been a mighty wrestler and that he was still, on occasion- in the privacy of the family circle as it were- quite capable of flooring his man.Isabel liked him- she was in the mood for liking everything; but her imagination was a good deal taxed to think of him as a source of spiritual aid.The whole party, on leaving lunch, went to walk in the grounds; but Lord Warburton exercised some ingenuity in engaging his least familiar guest in a stroll apart from the others.

"I wish you to see the place properly, seriously," he said."You can't do so if your attention is distracted by irrelevant gossip." His own conversation (though he told Isabel a good deal about the house, which had a very curious history) was not purely archaeological; he reverted at intervals to matters more personal- matters personal to the young lady as well as to himself.But at last, after a pause of some duration, returning for a moment to their ostensible theme, "Ah, well," he said, "I'm very glad indeed you like the old barrack.Iwish you could see more of it- that you could stay here a while.My sisters have taken an immense fancy to you- if that would be any inducement.""There's no want of inducements," Isabel answered; "but I'm afraid Ican't make engagements.I'm quite in my aunt's hands.""Ah, pardon me if I say I don't exactly believe that.I'm pretty sure you can do whatever you want.""I'm sorry if I make that impression on you; I don't think it's a nice impression to make.""It has the merit of permitting me to hope." And Lord Warburton paused a moment.

"To hope what?"

"That in future I may see you often."

"Ah," said Isabel, "to enjoy that pleasure I needn't be so terribly emancipated.""Doubtless not; and yet, at the same time, I don't think your uncle likes me.""You're very much mistaken.I've heard him speak very highly of you.""I'm glad you have talked about me," said Lord Warburton."But, Inevertheless don't think he'd like me to keep coming to Gardencourt.""I can't answer for my uncle's tastes," the girl rejoined, "though Iought as far as possible to take them into account.But for myself Ishall be very glad to see you."

"Now that's what I like to hear you say.I'm charmed when you say that.""You're easily charmed, my lord," said Isabel.

  • 槐叶冷淘


  • 粉色的俘虏


  • 武极帝主


  • 一代女皇:武则天


  • 豪门盛宠:冷情总裁的出逃妻


  • 真相


  • 当太阳不再以光头的姿态奔走


  • 毒妃惑三王:王妃娘娘碰不得


  • 丑女弃妃:花痴女四小姐


  • 第二块血迹

