

The Long Hill Bert arrived at the shop and with as little delay as possible loaded up the handcart with all the things he had been sent for and start on the return journey.He got on all right in the town, because the roads were level and smooth, being paved with wood blocks.If it had only been like that all the way it would have been easy enough, although he was a small boy for such a large truck, and such a heavy load.While the wood road lasted the principal trouble he experienced was the difficulty of seeing where he was going, the handcart being so high and himself so short.The pair of steps on the cart of course made it all the worse in that respect.However, by taking great care he managed to get through the town all right, although he narrowly escaped colliding with several vehicles, including two or three motor cars and an electric tram, besides nearly knocking over an old woman who was carrying a large bundle of washing.From time to time he saw other small boys of his acquaintance, some of them former schoolmates.

Some of these passed by carrying heavy loads of groceries in baskets, and others with wooden trays full of joints of meat.

Unfortunately, the wood paving ceased at the very place where the ground began to rise.Bert now found himself at the beginning of a long stretch of macadamized road which rose slightly and persistently throughout its whole length.Bert had pushed a cart up this road many times before and consequently knew the best method of tackling it.

Experience had taught him that a full frontal attack on this hill was liable to failure, so on this occasion he followed his usual plan of making diagonal movements, crossing the road repeatedly from right to left and left to right, after the fashion of a sailing ship tacking against the wind, and halting about every twenty yards to rest and take breath.The distance he was to go was regulated, not so much by his powers of endurance as by the various objects by the wayside - the lamp-posts, for instance.During each rest he used to look ahead and select a certain lamp-post or street corner as the next stopping-place, and when he start again he used to make the most strenuous and desperate efforts to reach it.

Generally the goal he selected was too distant, for he usually overestimated his strength, and whenever he was forced to give in he ran the truck against the kerb and stood there panting for breath and feeling profoundly disappointed at his failure.

On the present occasion, during one of these rests, it flashed upon him that he was being a very long time: he would have to buck up or he would get into a row: he was not even half-way up the road yet!

Selecting a distant lamp-post, he determined to reach it before resting again.

The cart had a single shaft with a cross-piece at the end, forming the handle: he gripped this fiercely with both hands and, placing his chest against it, with a mighty effort he pushed the cart before him.

It seemed to get heavier and heavier every foot of the way.His whole body, but especially the thighs and calves of his legs, pained terribly, but still he strained and struggled and said to himself that he would not give in until he reached the lamp-post.

Finding that the handle hurt his chest, he lowered it to his waist, but that being even more painful he raised it again to his chest, and struggled savagely on, panting for breath and with his heart beating wildly.

The cart became heavier and heavier.After a while it seemed to the boy as if there were someone at the front of it trying to push him back down the hill.This was such a funny idea that for a moment he felt inclined to laugh, but the inclination went almost as soon as it came and was replaced by the dread that he would not be able to hold out long enough to reach the lamp-post, after all.Clenching his teeth, he made a tremendous effort and staggered forward two or three more steps and then - the cart stopped.He struggled with it despairingly for a few seconds, but all the strength had suddenly gone out of him: his legs felt so weak that he nearly collapsed on to the ground, and the cart began to move backwards down the hill.He was just able to stick to it and guide it so that it ran into and rested against the kerb, and then he stood holding it in a half-dazed way, very pale, saturated with perspiration, and trembling.His legs in particular shook so much that he felt that unless he could sit down for a little, he would FALL down.

He lowered the handle very carefully so as not to spill the whitewash out of the pail which was hanging from a hook under the cart, then, sitting down on the kerbstone, he leaned wearily against the wheel.

A little way down the road was a church with a clock in the tower.It was five minutes to ten by this clock.Bert said to himself that when it was ten he would make another start.

Whilst he was resting he thought of many things.Just behind that church was a field with several ponds in it where he used to go with other boys to catch effets.It if were not for the cart he would go across now, to see whether there were any there still.He remembered that he had been very eager to leave school and go to work, but they used to be fine old times after all.

Then he thought of the day when his mother took him to Mr Rushton's office to `bind' him.He remembered that day very vividly: it was almost a year ago.How nervous he had been! His hand had trembled so that he was scarcely able to hold the pen.And even when it was all over, they had both felt very miserable, somehow.His mother had been very nervous in the office also, and when they got home she cried a lot and called him her poor little fatherless boy, and said she hoped he would be good and try to learn.And then he cried as well, and promised her that he would do his best.He reflected with pride that he was keeping his promise about being a good boy and trying to learn:

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