


Notwithstanding his promise, and the summons of the Council, Father Esteban, on parting with the Excelsior prisoners in the San Antonio Road, did not proceed immediately to the presence of the Comandante.Partly anxious to inform himself more thoroughly regarding Hurlstone's antecedents before entering upon legislative functions that might concern him, partly uneasy at Brace's allusion to any possible ungentleness in the treatment of the fair Americanas, and partly apprehensive that Mrs.Brimmer might seek him at the Mission in the present emergency, the good Father turned his steps towards the Alcalde's house.

Mrs.Brimmer, in a becoming morning wrapper, half reclining in an Indian hammock in the corridor, supported by Miss Chubb, started at his approach.So did the young Alcalde, sympathetically seated at her side.Padre Esteban for an instant was himself embarrassed;Mrs.Brimmer quickly recovered her usual bewildering naivete.

"I knew you would come; but if you hadn't, I should have mustered courage enough to go with Miss Chubb to find you at the Mission,"she said, half coquettishly."Not but that Don Ramon has been all kindness and consideration, but you know one always clings to one's spiritual adviser in such an emergency; and although there are differences of opinion between us, I think I may speak to you as freely as I would speak to my dear friend Dr.Potts, of Trinity Chapel.Of course you don't know HIM; but you couldn't have helped liking him, he's so gentle, so tactful, so refined! But do tell me the fullest particulars of this terrible calamity that has happened so awkwardly.Tell me all! I fear that Don Ramon, out of kindness, has not told me everything.I have been perfectly frank, I told him everything--who I am, who Mr.Brimmer is, and given him even the connections of my friend Miss Chubb.I can do no more;but you will surely have no difficulty in finding some one in Todos Santos who has heard of the Quincys and Brimmers.I've no doubt that there are books in your library that mention them.Of course I can say nothing of the other passengers, except that Mr.Brimmer would not have probably permitted me to associate with any notorious persons.I confess now--I think I told you once before, Clarissa--that I greatly doubted Captain Bunker's ability"--"Ah," murmured Don Ramon.

"--To make a social selection," continued Mrs.Brimmer."He may have been a good sailor, and boxed his compass, but he lacked a knowledge of the world.Of the other passengers I can truly say Iknow nothing; I cannot think that Mr.Crosby's sense of humor led him into bad associations, or that he ever went beyond verbal impropriety.Certainly nothing in Miss Keene's character has led me to believe she could so far forget what was due to herself and to us as to address a lawless mob in the streets as she did just now; although her friend Mrs.Markham, as I just told Don Ramon, is an advocate of Women's Rights and Female Suffrage, and I believe she contemplates addressing the public from the lecturer's platform.""It isn't possible!" interrupted Don Ramon excitedly, in mingled horror of the masculinely rampant Mrs.Markham and admiration of the fascinatingly feminine Mrs.Brimmer; "a lady cannot be an orator--a haranguer of men!""Not in society," responded Mrs.Brimmer, with a sigh, "and I do not remember to have met the lady before.The fact is, she does not move in our circle--in the upper classes."The Alcalde exchanged a glance with the Padre.

"Ah! you have classes? and she is of a distinct class, perhaps?""Decidedly," said Mrs.Brimmer promptly.

"Pardon me," said Padre Esteban, with gentle persuasiveness, "but you are speaking of your fellow-passengers.Know you not, then, of one Hurlstone, who is believed to be still in the ship Excelsior, and perhaps of the party who seized it?""Mr.Hurlstone?--it is possible; but I know really nothing of him,"said Mrs.Brimmer carelessly."I don't think Clarissa did, either--did you, dear? Even in our enforced companionship we had to use some reserve, and we may have drawn the line at him! He was a friend of Miss Keene's; indeed, she was the only one who seemed to know him.""And she is now here?" asked the Padre eagerly.

"No.She is with her friend the Senora Markham, at the Presidio.

The Comandante has given her the disposition of his house," said Don Ramon, with a glance of grave archness at Mrs.Brimmer; "it is not known which is the most favored, the eloquent orator or the beautiful and daring leader!""Mrs.Markham is a married woman," said Mrs.Brimmer severely, "and, of course, she can do as she pleases; but it is far different with Miss Keene.I should scarcely consider it proper to expose Miss Chubb to the hospitality of a single man, without other women, and I cannot understand how she could leave the companionship and protection of your lovely sisters."The priest here rose, and, with formal politeness, excused himself, urging the peremptory summons of the Council.

"I scarcely expected, indeed, to have had the pleasure of seeing my colleague here," he added with quiet suavity, turning to the Alcalde.

"I have already expressed my views to the Comandante," said the official, with some embarrassment, "and my attendance will hardly be required."The occasional misleading phosphorescence of Mrs.Brimmer's quiet eyes, early alluded to in these pages, did not escape Father Esteban's quick perception at that moment; however, he preferred to leave his companion to follow its aberrations rather than to permit that fair ignis fatuus to light him on his way by it.

"But my visit to you, Father Esteban," she began sweetly, "is only postponed.""Until I have the pleasure of anticipating it here," said the priest, with paternal politeness bending before the two ladies;"but for the present, au revoir!"

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