

It seemed strange now that when she was growing up Ashley had never seemed so very attractive to her.In childhood days,she had seen him come and go and never given him a thought.But since that day two years ago when Ashley,newly home from his three years'Grand Tour in Europe,had called to pay his respects,she had loved him.It was as simple as that.

She had been on the front porch and he had ridden up the long avenue,dressed in gray broadcloth with a wide black cravat setting off his frilled shirt to perfection.Even now,she could recall each detail of his dress,how brightly his boots shone,the head of a Medusa in cameo on his cravat pin,the wide Panama hat that was instantly in his hand when he saw her.He had alighted and tossed his bridle reins to a pickaninny and stood looking up at her,his drowsy gray eyes wide with a smile and the sun so bright on his blond hair that it seemed like a cap of shining silver.And he said,“So you've grown up,Scarlett.”And,coming lightly up the steps,he had kissed her hand.And his voice!She would never forget the leap of her heart as she heard it,as if for the first time,drawling,resonant,musical.

She had wanted him,in that first instant,wanted him as simply and unreasoningly as she wanted food to eat,horses to ride and a soft bed on which to lay herself.

For two years he had squired her about the County,to balls,fish fries,picnics and court days,never so often as the Tarleton twins or Cade Calvert,never so importunate as the younger Fontaine boys,but,still,never the week went by that Ashley did not come calling at Tara.

True,he never made love to her,nor did the clear gray eyes ever glow with that hot light Scarlett knew so well in other men.And yet—and yet—she knew he loved her.She could not be mistaken about it.Instinct stronger than reason and knowledge born of experience told her that he loved her.Too often she had surprised him when his eyes were neither drowsy nor remote,when he looked at her with a yearning and a sadness which puzzled her.She knew he loved her.Why did he not tell her so?That she could not understand.But there were so many things about him that she did not understand.

He was courteous always,but aloof,remote.No one could ever tell what he was thinking about,Scarlett least of all.In a neighborhood where everyone said exactly what he thought as soon as he thought it,Ashley's quality of reserve was exasperating.He was as proficient as any of the other young men in the usual County diversions,hunting,gambling,dancing and politics,and was the best rider of them all;but he differed from all the rest in that these pleasant activities were not the end and aim of life to him.And he stood alone in his interest in books and music and his fondness for writing poetry.

Oh,why was he so handsomely blond,so courteously aloof,so maddeningly boring with his talk about Europe and books and music and poetry and things that interested her not at all—and yet so desirable?Night after night,when Scarlett went to bed after sitting on the front porch in the semidarkness with him,she tossed restlessly for hours and comforted herself only with the thought that the very next time he saw her he certainly would propose.But the next time came and went,and the result was nothing—nothing except that the fever possessing her rose higher and hotter.

She loved him and she wanted him and she did not understand him.She was as forthright and simple as the winds that blew over Tara and the yellow river that wound about it,and to the end of her days she would never be able to understand a complexity.And now,for the first time in her life,she was facing a complex nature.

For Ashley was born of a line of men who used their leisure for thinking,not doing,for spinning brightly colored dreams that had in them no touch of reality.He moved in an inner world that was more beautiful than Georgia and came back to reality with reluctance.He looked on people,and he neither liked nor disliked them.He looked on life and was neither heartened nor saddened.He accepted the universe and his place in it for what they were and,shrugging,turned to his music and books and his better world.

Why he should have captivated Scarlett when his mind was a stranger to hers she did not know.The very mystery of him excited her curiosity like a door that had neither lock nor key.The things about him which she could not understand only made her love him more,and his odd,restrained courtship only served to increase her determination to have him for her own.That he would propose some day she had never doubted,for she was too young and too spoiled ever to have known defeat.And now,like a thunderclap,had come this horrible news.Ashley to marry Melanie!It couldn't be true!

Why,only last week,when they were riding home at twilight from Fairhill,he had said:“Scarlett,I have something so important to tell you that I hardly know how to say it.”

She had cast down her eyes demurely,her heart beating with wild pleasure,thinking the happy moment had come.Then he had said:“Not now!We're nearly home and there isn't time.Oh,Scarlett,what a coward I am!”And putting spurs to his horse,he had raced her up the hill to Tara.

Scarlett,sitting on the stump,thought of those words which had made her so happy,and suddenly they took on another meaning,a hideous meaning.Suppose it was the news of his engagement he had intended to tell her!

Oh,if Pa would only come home!She could not endure the suspense another moment.She looked impatiently down the road again,and again she was disappointed.

  • 罗马帝国衰亡史


  • 舌尖上的英语


  • 那些无法拒绝的名篇


  • 三句半搞定商务英语口语


  • 文秘英语对答如流


  • 掉进魔鬼少爷窝


  • 绛守居园池


  • 科学家日记


  • 百位世界杰出的政治家(下)(世界名人成功启示录)


  • 中华营养百味:健康瘦身食谱


  • 灭绝江湖(全二册)


  • 仓央嘉措诗传


  • 红女王


  • 现代社会想象


    查尔斯·泰勒 加拿大哲学家,晚近英语哲学的关键人物之一,社群主义的主将,现任加拿大麦基尔大学哲学与政治科学教授。20世纪70年代以来,泰勒以其对黑格尔哲学的再解读、对原子主义式的消极自由的批评、对社会价值的强调、对西方文化中自我认同观念发展的梳理,以及对文化多元论的论证,强烈影响着西方思想界。
  • 道应训

