

Below me in the valley, deep and green As goblets are, from which in thirsty draughts We drink its wine, the swift and mantling river Flows on triumphant through these lovely regions, Etched with the shadows of its sombre margent, And soft, reflected clouds of gold and argent!

Yes, there it flows, forever, broad and still As when the vanguard of the Roman legions First saw it from the top of yonder hill!

How beautiful it is! Fresh fields of wheat, Vineyard and town, and tower with fluttering flag, The consecrated chapel on the crag, And the white hamlet gathered round its base, Like Mary sitting at her Saviour's feet, And looking up at his beloved face!

O friend! O best of friends! Thy absence more Than the impending night darkens the landscape o'er!



A garden; morning; PRINCE HENRY seated, with a book.ELSIE at a distance gathering flowers.

PRINCE HENRY, reading.

One morning, all alone, Out of his convent of gray stone, Into the forest older, darker, grayer, His lips moving, as if in prayer, His head sunken upon his breast As in a dream of rest, Walked the Monk Felix.All about The broad, sweet sunshine lay without, Filling the summer air;And within the woodlands as he trod, The dusk was like the truce of God With worldly woe and care;Under him lay the golden moss;

And above him the boughs of hoary trees Waved, and made the sign of the cross, And whispered their Benedicites;And from the ground Rose an odor sweet and fragrant Of the wild-flowers and the vagrant Vines that wandered, Seeking the sunshine, round and round.

These he heeded not, but pondered On the volume in his hand, Wherein amazed he read:

"A thousand years in thy sight Are but as yesterday when it is past, And as a watch in the night!"And with his eyes downcast In humility he said:

"I believe, O Lord, What is written in thy Word, But alas! I do not understand!"And lo! he heard The sudden singing of a bird, A snow-white bird, that from a cloud Dropped down, And among the branches brown Sat singing, So sweet, and clear, and loud, It seemed a thousand harp-strings ringing.

And the Monk Felix closed his book, And long, long, With rapturous look, He listened to the song, And hardly breathed or stirred, Until he saw, as in a vision, The land Elysian, And in the heavenly city heard Angelic feet Fall on the golden flagging of the street And he would fain Have caught the wondrous bird, But strove in vain;For it flew away, away, Far over hill and dell, And instead of its sweet singing He heard the convent bell Suddenly in the silence ringing For the service of noonday.

And he retraced His pathway sadly and in haste.

In the convent there was a change!

He looked for each well-known face, But the faces were new and strange;New figures sat in the oaken stalls, New voices chanted in the choir;Yet the place was the same place, The same dusky walls Of cold, gray stone, The same cloisters and belfry and spire.

A stranger and alone Among that brotherhood The Monk Felix stood.

"Forty years," said a Friar, "Have I been Prior Of this convent in the wood, But for that space Never have I beheld thy face!"The heart of the Monk Felix fell And he answered, with submissive tone, This morning after the hour of Prime, I left my cell, And wandered forth alone, Listening all the time To the melodious singing Of a beautiful white bird, Until I heard The bells of the convent ringing Noon from their noisy towers.

It was as if I dreamed;

For what to me had seemed Moments only, had been hours!""Years!" said a voice close by.

It was an aged monk who spoke, From a bench of oak Fastened against the wall;--He was the oldest monk of all.

For a whole century Had he been there, Serving God in prayer, The meekest and humblest of his creatures.

He remembered well the features Of Felix, and he said, Speaking distinct and slow:

"One hundred years ago, When I was a novice in this place, There was here a monk, full of God's grace, Who bore the name Of Felix, and this man must be the same."And straightway They brought forth to the light of day A volume old and brown, A huge tome, bound In brass and wild-boar's hide, Wherein were written down The names of all who had died In the convent, since it was edified.

And there they found, Just as the old monk said, That on a certain day and date, One hundred years before, Had gone forth from the convent gate The Monk Felix, and never more Had entered that sacred door.

He had been counted among the dead!

And they knew, at last, That, such had been the power Of that celestial and immortal song, A hundred years had passed, And had not seemed so long As a single hour!

ELSIE comes in with flowers.


Here are flowers for you, But they are not all for you.

Some of them are for the Virgin And for Saint Cecilia.


As thou standest there, Thou seemest to me like the angel That brought the immortal roses To Saint Cecilia's bridal chamber.


But these will fade.


Themselves will fade, But not their memory, And memory has the power To re-create them from the dust.

They remind me, too, Of martyred Dorothea, Who from Celestial gardens sent Flowers as her witnesses To him who scoffed and doubted.


Do you know the story Of Christ and the Sultan's daughter!

That is the prettiest legend of them all.


Then tell it to me.

But first come hither.

Lay the flowers down beside me, And put both thy hands in mine.

Now tell me the story.


Early in the morning The Sultan's daughter Walked in her father's garden, Gathering the bright flowers, All full of dew.


Just as thou hast been doing This morning, dearest Elsie.


And as she gathered them She wondered more and more Who was the Master of the Flowers, And made them grow Out of the cold, dark earth.

In my heart," she said, "I love him; and for him Would leave my father's palace, To labor in his garden."PRINCE HENRY.

Dear, innocent child!

How sweetly thou recallest The long-forgotten legend.

That in my early childhood My mother told me!

  • 灵信经旨


  • The Devil's Paw

    The Devil's Paw

  • Small Catechism

    Small Catechism

  • 画图缘


  • The White Mr. Longfellow

    The White Mr. Longfellow

  • 感悟人生全集(最新经典珍藏版)


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