一个出色的探险小队,必定会经历许多冒险。它们有的平淡无奇,有的却不可思议。四大古迹,就是这种令人不可思议的地方。一切的一切,从Notch与Herobrine开始,又在冒险家的脚步下结束。然而,这场冒险结束之时,就是第二场冒险开始之日……未来,也不会一帆风顺。 冰火交织,龙凤共舞;天雷破地,地魂入天。 梦幻之内,虚境皆食;真实所见,亦非真实。 作者联系:2174302614(标准号)3521314795(小号)QQ群:426980926(一群)
她是他眼睛失明时的一抹阳光,当他再度睁开眼,却错把‘替身’当成她。新婚夜一场大火,她的失踪是死是活?还是……,他深情将她囚禁,以爱为牢,他说:只要能留得住你,被你恨又如何!新婚夜她再度失踪,归来后她站在他面前,他却认不出她……三个坏男人的爱,是心灵和爱的强取豪夺,他们是君王,她是他们穷尽一生追逐的挚爱……两次新婚为妃,两度离奇失踪,经年后归来……他们为她血杀江山,她冷颜淡看天下……The Siege
Ismail Kadare's The Siege dramatizes a relentless fictional assault on a Christian fortress in the Albanian mountains by the Ottoman Army in the fifteenth century. As the bloody and psychologically crushing struggle for control over the citadel unfolds, Kadare's newest work opens a window onto the eternal clash between religions and empires as well as the exhilaration, despair, and immediacy of the wkkk.net is a hugely respected novelist and a hero to his people, as well as an outspoken critic of all forms of totalitarianism. The Siege is a powerfully atmospheric … and vividly rendered (The Telegraph) novel of considerable cumulative power and resonance for our own times.