
第41章 BOOK IV(4)

How Arthur took upon him to fight to be delivered out of prison,and also for to deliver twenty knights that were in prison.

WHAT are ye that so complain?said King Arthur.We be here twenty knights,prisoners,said they,and some of us have lain here seven year,and some more and some less.For what cause?

said Arthur.We shall tell you,said the knights;this lord of this castle,his name is Sir Damas,and he is the falsest knight that liveth,and full of treason,and a very coward as any liveth,and he hath a younger brother,a good knight of prowess,his name is Sir Ontzlake;and this traitor Damas,the elder brother will give him no part of his livelihood,but as Sir Ontzlake keepeth thorough prowess of his hands,and so he keepeth from him a full fair manor and a rich,and therein Sir Ontzlake dwelleth worshipfully,and is well beloved of all people.And this Sir Damas,our master is as evil beloved,for he is without mercy,and he is a coward,and great war hath been betwixt them both,but Ontzlake hath ever the better,and ever he proffereth Sir Damas to fight for the livelihood,body for body,but he will not do;other-else to find a knight to fight for him.

Unto that Sir Damas had granted to find a knight,but he is so evil beloved and hated,that there is never a knight will fight for him.And when Damas saw this,that there was never a knight would fight for him,he hath daily lain await with many knights with him,and taken all the knights in this country to see and espy their adventures,he hath taken them by force and brought them to his prison.And so he took us separately as we rode on our adventures,and many good knights have died in this prison for hunger,to the number of eighteen knights;and if any of us all that here is,or hath been,would have foughten with his brother Ontzlake,he would have delivered us,but for because this Damas is so false and so full of treason we would never fight for him to die for it.And we be so lean for hunger that unnethe we may stand on our feet.God deliver you,for his mercy,said Arthur.

Anon,therewithal there came a damosel unto Arthur,and asked him,What cheer?I cannot say,said he.Sir,said she,an ye will fight for my lord,ye shall be delivered out of prison,and else ye escape never the life.Now,said Arthur,that is hard,yet had I liefer to fight with a knight than to die in prison;with this,said Arthur,I may be delivered and all these prisoners,I will do the battle.Yes,said the damosel.I am ready,said Arthur,an I had horse and armour.Ye shall lack none,said the damosel.Meseemeth,damosel,I should have seen you in the court of Arthur.Nay said the damosel,I came never there,I am the lord's daughter of this castle.Yet was she false,for she was one of the damosels of Morgan le Fay.

Anon she went unto Sir Damas,and told him how he would do battle for him,and so he sent for Arthur.And when he came he was well coloured,and well made of his limbs,that all knights that saw him said it were pity that such a knight should die in prison.

So Sir Damas and he were agreed that he should fight for him upon this covenant,that all other knights should be delivered;and unto that was Sir Damas sworn unto Arthur,and also to do the battle to the uttermost.And with that all the twenty knights were brought out of the dark prison into the hall,and delivered,and so they all abode to see the battle.


How Accolon found himself by a well,and he took upon him to do battle against Arthur.

NOW turn we unto Accolon of Gaul,that when he awoke he found himself by a deep well-side,within half a foot,in great peril of death.And there came out of that fountain a pipe of silver,and out of that pipe ran water all on high in a stone of marble.

When Sir Accolon saw this,he blessed him and said,Jesus save my lord King Arthur,and King Uriens,for these damosels in this ship have betrayed us,they were devils and no women;and if Imay escape this misadventure,I shall destroy all where I may find these false damosels that use enchantments.Right with that there came a dwarf with a great mouth and a flat nose,and saluted Sir Accolon,and said how he came from Queen Morgan le Fay,and she greeteth you well,and biddeth you be of strong heart,for ye shall fight to morrow with a knight at the hour of prime,and therefore she hath sent you here Excalibur,Arthur's sword,and the scabbard,and she biddeth you as ye love her,that ye do the battle to the uttermost,without any mercy,like as ye had promised her when ye spake together in privity;and what damosel that bringeth her the knight's head,which ye shall fight withal,she will make her a queen.Now I understand you well,said Accolon,I shall hold that I have promised her now I have the sword:when saw ye my lady Queen Morgan le Fay?Right late,said the dwarf.Then Accolon took him in his arms and said,Recommend me unto my lady queen,and tell her all shall be done that I have promised her,and else I will die for it.Now Isuppose,said Accolon,she hath made all these crafts and enchantments for this battle.Ye may well believe it,said the dwarf.Right so there came a knight and a lady with six squires,and saluted Accolon,and prayed him for to arise,and come and rest him at his manor.And so Accolon mounted upon a void horse,and went with the knight unto a fair manor by a priory,and there he had passing good cheer.

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