生脆、凶猛、一语中的,是袁腾飞讲史的特色。在本书中,袁腾飞嬉笑怒骂皆成文章、古今中外旁征博引、博览群书解密真相,生动活泼地讲述了中国通史和世界通史,精彩纷呈地演绎了诸多著名的历史事件,如“烽火戏诸侯”“商鞅变法”“汉武帝破匈奴”“隋炀帝下扬州”“玄武门之变”“杯酒释兵权”“岳飞之死”“蒙古横扫中原”“明成祖夺天下”“康熙擒鳌拜”“鸦片战争”“太平天国运动”“戊戌变法”“辛亥革命”“抗日战争”“英国资产阶级革命”“拿破仑战争”“美国独立战争”“普鲁士统一德国”“日本明治维新”“斯大林专政”“第一次世界大战”“第二次世界大战”等。The Storyteller
Anna and Abel couldn't be more different. They are both seventeen and in their last year of school, but while Anna lives in a nice old town house and comes from a well-to-do family, Abel, the school drug dealer, lives in a big, prisonlike tower block at the edge of town. Anna is afraid of him until she realizes that he is caring for his six-year-old sister on his own. Fascinated, Anna follows the two and listens as Abel tells little Micha the story of a tiny queen assailed by dark forces. It's a beautiful fairy tale that Anna comes to see has a basis in reality. Abel is in real danger of losing Micha to their abusive father and to his own inability to make ends meet.Old Times
Old Times was first presented by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Aldwych Theatre, London, on 1 June 1971. It was revived at the Donmar Warehouse, London, in July 2004.'Old Times is a joyous, wonderful play that people will talk about as long as we have a theatre.' New York Times' What am I writing about? Not the weasel under the cocktail cabinet … I can sum up none of my plays. I can describe none of them, except to say: that is what happened. This is what they said. That is what they did.' Harold Pinter