

Meanwhile, all through the day, the enemy was busily at work.As Denver had predicted, free liquor was served to all who would drink.The town and its guests were started on a grand debauch that was to end in violence that might shock their sober intelligence.Everywhere poisoned whispers were being flung broadcast against the two men waiting in the jail for what the night would bring forth.

Dusk fell on a town crazed by bad whiskey and evil report.The deeds of Bannister were hashed and rehashed at every bar, and nobody related them with more ironic gusto than the man who called himself JackHolloway.There were people in town who knew his real name and character, but of these the majority were either in alliance with him or dared not voice their knowledge.Only Miss Messiter and her punchers told the truth, and their words were blown away like chaff.

From the first moment of darkness Helen had the outlaw leader dogged by two of her men.Since neither of these were her own riders this was done without suspicion.At intervals of every quarter of an hour they reported to her in turn.Bannister was beginning to drink heavily, and she did not want to cut short his dissipation by a single minute.Yet she had to make sure of getting his attention before he went too far.

It was close to nine when she sent him a note, not daring to delay a minute longer.For the reports of her men were all to the same effect, that the crisis would not now be long postponed.Bannister, or Holloway, as he chose to call himself, was at the bar with his lieutenants in evil when the note reached him.He read it with a satisfaction he could not conceal.So! He had brought her already to her knees.Before he was through with her she should grovel in the dust before him.

"I'll be back in a few minutes.Do nothing till I return," he ordered, and went jingling away to the Elk House.

The young woman's anxiety was pitiable, but she repressed it sternly when she went to meet the man she feared; and never had it been more in evidence than in this hour of her greatest torture.Blithely she came forward to meet him, eye challenging eye gayly.No hint of her anguish escaped into her manner.He read there only coquetry, the eternal sex conflict, the winsome defiance of a woman hitherto the virgin mistress of all assaults upon her heart's citadel.It was the last thing he had expected to see, but it was infinitely more piquant, more intoxicating, than desperation.She seemed to give the lie to his impression of her love for his cousin; and that, too, delighted his pride.

"You will sit down?"

Carelessly, almost indolently, she put the question, her raised eyebrows indicating a chair with perfunctory hospitality.He had not meant to sit, had expected only to gloat a few minutes over her despair; but this situation called for more deliberation.He had yet to establish the masteryhis vanity demanded.Therefore he took a chair.

"This is ce'tainly an unexpected honor.Did y'u send for me to explain some more about that sufficient understanding between us?" he sneered.

It was a great relief to her to see that, though he had been drinking, as she had heard, he was entirely master of himself.Her efforts might still be directed to Philip sober.

"I sent for you to congratulate you," she answered, with a smile."You are a bigger man than I thought.You have done what you said you would do, and I presume you can very shortly go out of mourning."He radiated vanity, seemed to visibly expand "Do y'u go in when I go out?" he asked brutally.

She laughed lightly."Hardly.But it does seem as if I'm unlucky in my foremen.They all seem to have engagements across the divide.""I'll get y u another."

"Thank you.I was going to ask as much of you.Can you suggest one now?""I'm a right good cattle man myself."

"And--can you stay with me a reasonable time?"He laughed."I have no engagements across the Styx, ma'am.""My other foremen thought they were permanent fixtures here, too." "We're all liable to mistakes.""Even you, I suppose."

"I'll sign a lease to give y'u possession of my skill for as long as y'u like."She settled herself comfortably back in an easy chair, as alluring a picture of buoyant, radiant youth as he had seen in many a day."But the terms.I am afraid I can't offer you as much as you make at your present occupation.""I could keep that up as a side-line."

"So you could.But if you use my time for your own profit, you ought to pay me a royalty on your intake."His eyes lit with laughter."I reckon that can be arranged.Any percentage you think fair It will all be in the family, anyway.""I think that is one of the things about which we don't agree," shemade answer softly, flashing him the proper look of inviting disdain from under her silken lashes.

He leaned forward, elbow on the chair-arm and chin in hand."We'll agree about it one of these days.""Think so?" she returned airily."I don't think.I know."Just an eyebeat her gaze met his, with that hint of shy questioning, of puzzled doubt that showed a growing interest."I wonder," she murmured, and recovered herself little laugh.

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