

"He will not receive your royal highness," answered Herzberg, smiling. "You know our sovereign, who so fully deserves our admiration and love. His favor and goodness beam upon us all, and he desires neither thanks nor acknowledgment. He performs his noble, glorious deeds in a harsh manner, that he may relieve the recipients of his bounty from the burden of gratitude; and often when he is the most morose and harsh, is he at heart the most gracious and affectionate. You and yours have experienced it to-day. He appeared to be angry, and enveloped himself in the toga of a severe judge of morals; but, under this toga, there beat the kind, noble heart of a friend and father, who punishes with rigorous words, and forgives with generous, benevolent deeds.""For this I must thank him--he must listen to me!" cried the prince.

"He will be angry if your royal highness forces him to receive thanks when he would avoid them. He has expressly commanded me to entreat you never to allude to the affair, and never to speak of it to others, as it would not be agreeable to his majesty to have the family affairs known to the world. You would best please his majesty by following exactly his wishes, and when you meet him never allude to it. As I have said, this is the express wish and command of the king.""Which I must naturally follow," sighed the prince, "although Iacknowledge that it is unpleasant to me to receive so much kindness from him without at least returning my most heart-felt thanks. Say to the king, that I am deeply, sensibly moved with his tender sympathy and generosity. And now I will hasten to Wilhelmine Enke;but, it occurs to me that it may not be possible; the king has made her a prisoner in her own house.""Do not trouble yourself about that. If it is your royal highness's pleasure, drive at once to Charlottenburg. You will find the new possessor there and she will relate to you her interview with the mayor of Berlin.""Oh! I shall drive at once to the villa. I am curious to learn what Von Kircheisen has told her.""I imagined that you would be, and ordered your carriage here, as you could not well ride upon horseback with the heavy rolls of gold;and if it is your pleasure, I will order the footman to place the box, into which I have put them, in the carriage.""No, no; I beg you to let me carry them," cried the prince, seizing the box with both hands. "It is truly heavy, but an agreeable burden, and if it lames my arm I shall bethink myself of the miraculous elixir, which will give me courage and strength.

Farewell, your excellency; I shall hurry on to Charlottenburg!"The prince hastened to his carriage, and ordered the coachman to drive at full speed to the villa. Thanks to this order, he reached it in about an hour. No one was there to receive him upon his arrival. The hall was empty, and the rooms were closed. The prince passed on to the opposite end, where there was a door open, and stood upon a balcony, with steps descending into the garden, which, with its flower-beds, grass-plots, shrubbery, and the tall trees, formed a lovely background. The birds were singing, the trees rustled, and variegated butterflies fluttered over the odorous flowers. Upon the turf, forming a beautiful group, was Wilhelmine playing with her daughter, and the nurse with the little boy upon her lap, who laughingly stretched out his arms toward his mother.

"Wilhelmine--Wilhelmine!" cried the prince.

With a cry of joy she answered, and flew toward the house. "You have come at last, my beloved lord," she cried, almost breathless, mounting the steps. "I beg you to tell me what all this means? I am dying of curiosity!""I also," said the prince, smiling. "Have the goodness to lead me to one of the rooms, that I may set down this box.""What does that hobgoblin contain, that it prevents your embracing me?""Do not ask, but hasten to assist me to relieve myself of the burden." They entered the house, and Wilhelmine opened the wide folding-doors, which led into a very tastefully-furnished room.

Frederick William set the box upon the marble table, and sank upon a divan with Wilhelmine in his arms. "First of all, tell me what Von Kircheisen said to you?""He commanded me, in the name of the king, to give up my dwelling at Berlin and at Potsdam, and to avoid showing myself in public at both places, that those who had the right to the love and fidelity of the Prince of Prussia should not be annoyed at the sight of me; that Ishould live retired, and leave the appointed residence as little as possible, for then the king would be inclined to ignore my existence, and take no further notice of me. But, if I attempted to play a role, his majesty would take good care that it should be forever played out.""Those were harsh, cruel words," sighed Frederick William.

"Harsh, cruel words," repeated Wilhelmine, sorrowfully. "They pierced my soul, and I shrieked at last from agony. Herr von Kircheisen was quite frightened, and begged me to excuse him, that he must thus speak to me, but the king had commanded him to repeat his very words. The carriage was at the door, he said, ready to convey me to my future dwelling, for I must immediately leave Berlin, and the king be informed of my setting out. The coachman received the order, and here I am, without knowing what I am to do, or whether I shall remain here.""Yes, Wilhelmine, you are to remain here; at last we have a home, and a resting-place for our love and our children. This house is yours--you are mistress here, and you must welcome me as your guest.""This house is mine!" she cried, joyfully. "Did you give it to me?

How generous, and how extravagant you are! Protect me with the gift of your love, as if you were Jupiter and I Danae!""A beautiful picture, and, that it may be a reality, I will play the role of Jupiter and open the box."He took a roll of gold, and let it fall upon Wilhelmine's head, her beautiful shoulders, and her arms, like a shower of gold. She shrieked and laughed, and sought to gather up the pieces which rolled ringing around her upon the floor. The prince seized another roll, and another still, till she was flooded with the glistening pieces. Then another and another, until Wilhelmine, laughing, screamed for grace, and sprang up, the gold rolling around her like teasing goblins.

  • The Elevator

    The Elevator

  • Mother


  • 心赋注


  • 青原愚者智禅师语录


  • 净土五会念佛诵经观行仪


  • 恶魔校草:小专属,怀里来


  • 重构跨境电商:阿里巴巴中小企业全球化实践


  • 科学的黑屋上(破解人类文明与科学之谜)


  • 谋生


  • 侯门庶谋


  • 网游之骷髅也疯狂


  • 当代华语电影人物论(中国艺术研究院学术文库)


  • 穿越来欺君


  • 我能碎主角的气运光环


  • 诸葛亮十讲

