王士倬(1905——1991),中国航空事业先驱,美国麻省理工学院航空工程硕士。作为中国航空发展的标志性人物,他主持设计、建造了中国第一座风洞,协助培养了以钱学森为代表的大批航空科研工作者,为中国航空工业的创建、起步和发展做出了巨大贡献。本书以钱学森同志的书信为序,收录了王士倬写的《我的自传》及其家人、同事撰写的文稿、回忆录和书信。以王先生的生活历程为线索,回顾了中国航空事业初建时期的成就和业绩,高度褒扬了中国航空先驱者们坚韧不拔的创业精神。本书为航空领域内广大科研工作者和科普爱好者提供了一个客观、鲜活的审读视角,也为各图书馆藏提供了一份可读的参考资料。The Epic Crush of Genie Lo
The struggle to get into a top-tier college consumes sixteen-year-old Genie's every waking thought. But when she discovers she's a celestial spirit who's powerful enough to bash through the gates of heaven with her fists, her perfectionist existence is shattered. Enter Quentin, a transfer student from China whose tone-deaf assertiveness beguiles Genie to the brink of madness. Quentin nurtures Genie's outrageous transformation—sometimes gently, sometimes aggressively—as her sleepy suburb in the Bay Area comes under siege from hell-spawn. This epic YA debut draws from Chinese folklore, features a larger-than-life heroine, and perfectly balances the realities of Genie's grounded high school life with the absurd supernatural world she finds herself commanding.我被大佬宠成了玛丽苏女主