华夏在公司的迎新晚会上遇到江承,温文尔雅,一眼万年,百般追随后终于如愿嫁他为妻。江承不爱华夏,只是身负家仇,风华灼人时携心爱之人潜入华家复仇颠覆。三年同床共枕的婚姻,是明哲保身?还是迷足深陷?婚姻如赌徒,赌输了,想要翻板,又谈何容易?当华夏美梦破碎,发现幸福不过一场镜花水月,决定分道扬镳的时候,江承却在结婚记念日车祸身亡。江承的旧版爱人从此与华夏结下梁子,百般陷害。一年后,华夏从昔日的草包大小姐变身业界一姐,成为赫赫威名的风华总裁。新官上任头一遭便逢另一业界黑马——顾少卿围追堵截,平白被摆了一道。第一轮交手,明着,他卖她一个天大的人情。暗着,却被她反将一军,苦果自行吞咽。宁宇总裁顾少卿,传闻那是个行止风雅的万民偶像。初见,风流从容,富贵门庭的优雅严整竟与江承全然吻合。谁能想到,这会是江承的重生体?以为相爱的,却不过寒冷时的一种相互慰籍,以为不屑的,却才最是命中注定。当江承再生为人,才恍然,原来最早迷足深陷的人,是他。Elf Realm
With The Low Road, Daniel Kirk has created a mystical world that will keep readers coming back for more. When Matt and his family move to a new neighborhood, they don't realize they've inadvertently stumbled into the middle of massive upheaval in the fairy world. With the elves' territory disintegrating and dark factions looking to seize control, apprentice mage Tuava-Li must defend her way of life—even when that means cooperating with Matt, a human and a natural enemy, as he may just hold the key to saving the Elf Realm from certain destruction.