沈祖棻(1909—1977),诗人、作家、学者。1931 年,在南京中央大学课堂上的一阕《浣溪沙》,为23岁的她赢得了民国词坛上“沈斜阳”的美誉;其后因与丈夫程千帆的诗旅婚姻而被誉为“古之赵李今程沈”;其于战乱流离之际写的《涉江词》,曾随烽火流传,并被谱曲传唱;在珞珈山下,她虽饱经苦难,但仍教书育人数十载,桃李满天下……
Time out of Time
In book two of the Time out of Time series, the excitement and mystery continue as Timothy; his sister, Sarah; and their friend, Jessica, journey to Edinburgh, Scotland, where they seek the Four Treasures, especially the Telling Stone. They must keep the treasures from falling into the hands of Balor, who will use them to deprive the world of good. The children pass through Time out of Time as they undertake their quest, encountering mythic and folkloric characters, including the Tuatha Dé Danann, Gwydon, and Cerridwyn. A code hidden in an ancient map is the key to finding the Telling Stone. The book includes a four-color map and concludes with a glossary of the many historical, literary, and folkloric references mentioned in both this and the first Time out of Time volume.