

"Let me bear from you soon, dear Delaserre.--Remember, I can learn nothing about regimental affairs but through your friendly medium, and I long to know what has become of Ayre's court-martial, and whether Elliot gets the majority; also how recruiting comes on, and how the young officers like the mess. Of our kind friend, the Lieutenant-Colonel, I need ask nothing; I saw him as I passed through Nottingham, happy in the bosom of his family. What a happiness it is, Philip, for us poor devils, that we have a little resting-place between the camp and the grave, if we can manage to escape disease, and steel, and lead, and the effects of hard living. A retires old soldier is always a graceful and respected character. He grumbles a little now and then, but then his is licensed murmuring-were a lawyer, or a physician, or a clergyman, to breathe a complaint of hard luck or want of preferment, a hundred tongues would blame his own incapacity as the cause. But the most stupid veteran that ever faltered out the thrice-told tale of a siege and a battle, and a cock and a bottle, is listened to with sympathy and reverence, when he shakes his thin locks, and talks with indignation of the boys that are put over his head. And you and I, Delaserre, foreigners both,--for what am I the better that I was originally a Scotchman, since, could I prove my descent, the English would hardly acknowledge me a countryman?-we may boast that we have fought out our preferment, and gained that by the sword which we had not money to compass otherwise. The English are a wise people. While they praise themselves, and affect to undervalue all other nations, they leave us, luckily, trap-doors and back-doors open, by which we strangers, less favoured by nature, may arrive at a share of their advantages. And thus they are, in some respects like a boastful landlord, who exalts the value and flavour of his six-years'-old mutton, while he is delighted to dispense a share of it to all the company. In short, you, whose proud family, and I, whose hard fate, made us soldiers of fortune, have the pleasant recollection, that in the British service, stop where we may upon our career, it is only for want of money to pay the turnpike, and not from our being prohibited to travel the road. If, therefore, we can persuade little Weischel to come into ours, for God's sake let him buy the ensigncy, live prudently, mind his duty, and trust to the fates for promotion.

"And now, I hope you are expiring with curiosity to learn the end of my romance. I told you I had deemed it convenient to make a few days' tour on foot among the mountains of Westmoreland, with Dudley, a young English artist, with whom I have formed some acquaintance. A fine fellow this, you must know, Delaserre--he paints tolerably, draws beautifully, converses well, and plays charmingly on the flute; and, though thus well entitled to be a coxcomb of talent, is, in fact, a modest unpretending young man. On our return from our little tour, I learned that the enemy had been reconnoitring. Mr. Mervyn's barge had crossed the lake, I was informed by my landlord, with the squire himself and a visitor.

"'What sort of person, landlord?'

"'Why, he was a dark officer-looking mon, at they called Colonel--Squoire Mervyn questioned me as close as I had been at sizes--I had guess, Mr. Dawson' (I told you that was my feigned name)--I but I tould him nought of your vagaries, and going out a-laking in the mere a-noights--not I--an I can make no sport.

I'se spoil none--and Squoire Mervyn's as cross as poy-crust too, mon--he's aye maundering an my guests but land beneath his house, though it be marked for the fourth station in the Survey. Noa, noa, e'en let un smell things out o' themselves for Joe Hodges--'

"You will allow there was nothing for it after this, but paying honest Joe Hodges's bill, and departing, unless I had preferred making him my confidant, for which I felt in no way inclined.

Besides, I learned that our ci-devant Colonel was on full retreat for Scotland, carrying off poor Julia along with him. I understand from those who conduct the heavy baggage, that he takes his winter'

quarters at a place called Woodbourne, in--shire in Scotland. He will be all on the alert just now, so I must let him enter his entrenchments without any new alarm. And then, my good Colonel, to whom I owe so many grateful thanks, pray look to your defence.

"I protest to you, Delaserre, I often think there is a little contradiction enters into the ardour of my pursuit. I think I would rather bring this haughty insulting man to the necessity of calling his daughter Mrs. Brown, than I would wed her with his full consent, and with the king's permission to change my name for the style and arms of Mannering, though his whole fortune went with them. There is only one circumstance that chills me a little-Julia is young and romantic. I would not willingly hurry her into a step which her riper years might disapprove--no;--nor would I like to have her upbraid me, were it but with a glance of her eye, with having ruined her fortunes--far less give her reason to say, as some have not been slow to tell their lords, that, had I left her time for consideration, she would have been wiser and done better.

  • 羯磨


  • 明宫史


  • Love Eternal

    Love Eternal

  • 周易图


  • 玄真灵应宝签


  • 帝凤无双


  • 古仙庭


  • 大神家那位又在闹海


    原书名《报告长官:夫人在捉鬼》 第五家女人代代只能活到28岁,是报应也是命。第五念作为第五家87代传人,以收服妖魔为己任,她因为追一只千年的狐狸精,误闯了某个人的梦境,本着救人一命胜造七级浮屠的理念,在妖物的手上救了他一条小命,虽然梦中拜天地不算什么,却是秉承了天地,也算是夫妻了。姑姑哭啼,“第五念,你是蠢货吗?救人就救人,干嘛在梦里与那人拜了天地,你死后如何入得了第五家的祖坟?”第五念没心没肺的问,“为啥?”“你已经是闵家的媳妇儿了,我不管,你赶快给我去求一封休书。”“姑姑,别闹!”拜托,二十一世纪去找人求休书,她不被人笑掉大牙才怪。果不其然,她求也求了,人家根本把她当成了另类引起他注意的不轨女花痴。不仅如此,还大力的表扬了她,说是他有生以来见过最特别的手段。闵御尘冷冷的说道,“休书,可以有,看你的表现。”表现你个球啊!
  • 贺卿之喜


  • 飘渺剑仙录


  • 温风寒尹


  • 海蓝


    海蓝是她的笔名。她的真名据说极土,类似王桂华,李凤琴之类。黎虹有个同学毕业后分到报社,给海蓝当手下,“见过能装的,没见过那么能装的。”黎虹的同学一言难尽的样子。 没多久,黎虹参加外省一家刊物举办的笔会,同行的有海蓝,以及青年评论家赵行。他们在火车站贵宾厅见了面,黎虹认出了赵行,他穿得很休闲,坐在沙发上跟一个女人聊天。黎虹觉得那个女人应该是海蓝。确实不年轻了,比黎虹想象得漂亮些,而且比她的同学形容得苗条很多,穿了一件鲜艳的碎花衬衫,面料带弹力的,紧紧地箍在身上,她的胸部很醒目。
  • 希腊神话故事(青少版)


  • 途合


  • 无上战皇

